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Site HOW-TOs

  1. How to post:  Just sign in and read through the blog.  When you find an item you want to comment on, seek out the word COMMENT below it.  Only Blog Authors can start new items/threads.  Like a message board, the original "thread" is for the creators/moderators - called AUTHORS in blogland.
  2. How to comment on someone's post:  Sign in.  Locate the post you want to comment on.  Look below it, for the word COMMENTS and click it.  Then, enter your comment.  (You may want to use @ and the name of a person if you're directing the comment at them.)
  3. How to vote in polls:  Go to left column, look for question with choices below.  Click your choices.  To view results, use the little scroll bars below and on right to move around in the poll area to view the current results.
  4. How to post your own video:  At this time, we reserve this for the administrators of the site.  You can suggest a video to us by posting a request.
  5. How to receive alerts about new posts and new videos:  At the center, there is a header, "Subscribe to The Real Todd Manning."  Below it, you may click POSTS to send this blog to various RSS readers to see when others post in.  You can click ALL COMMENTS to receive info whenever anyone posts a new comment.  You can choose which RSS Feed Reader you like.  Sometimes, we will use You Tube Global Messaging to contact all of you.  Also, if you can provide an email, it may make communication easier. 
  6. NEW - subscribe via FEEDBURNER:  There is also a new way to access the site and get updates.  Put your email in the subscribe box at left and you can receive a one-time-per-day digest of the most recent posts and activity.
  7. Special Notification Permissions:  Up to ten users can give me an email to which ALL COMMENTS and POSTS are EMAILED TO YOU immediately.  If you really want to keep on top of things, email the admin for this special permission.  Those who are inactive in posting for more than 10 days will be removed from the special permissions in the case that the space is required for a regular poster.
  8. How do you make sure you are logged in to the blog:  Look at the top right hand corner above the blog.  If you are signed in, you will see your email address, and the words "Dashboard" or "Sign Out."  If you are not logged in, you will see "Create Blog" or "Sign in." 
  9. How do you use the SITE CLOUD:  The site cloud is just a list of CATEGORIES that the posts are helps you locate what you want to read and comment on FASTER.  Just click a word in the site cloud, and you will be brought to all the posts about that word.  For example, look for COTD to access the Clip Of The Day posts.