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Friday, August 27, 2010

ROGER TO RETURN - as posted by S.O.N.

Would the Real Todd Manning Please Stand Up? Roger Howarth is Back!
Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 10:00 PM ET by Errol Lewis

Photo: George DeSota/JPI
( -- It was only a matter of time before speculation began about the the possibility of Roger Howarth returning to his "One Life to Live" roots soon after word broke late last year that CBS' "As The World Turns" would be ending its 54-year run on television. Now nine months later, Soap Opera Network has learned exclusively that Howarth will indeed be returning to the ABC soap in the near future.

"You thought the tease a couple weeks back with Tea proclaiming this isn’t Todd as she pointed to a picture of Roger Howarth was not the start of something bigger? Think again," says a setside source.

Speaking of Tea [Delgado], rumors have been running rampant that portrayer Florencia Lozano is out now that her character looks to be on death's door. When pressed for comment, an ABC spokesperson would only say "tune in tomorrow for Tea's fate."

A first airdate for Howarth has not been set, but we've been told to expect him on screen as early as December or January. But what does news of Howarth's return mean for Trevor St. John? It wouldn't be much of a stretch for the actor to have been playing an impostor after all this time as he originally joined the cast in May 2003 in the role of Walker Laurence, only to be revealed to be Todd Manning albeit with plastic surgery in August of that same year. We've been assured, however, that the actor's job is not in any danger.

Earlier this week there was a big deal made out of a "One Life to Live" cast meeting, which took place earlier today at the shows Manhattan studio. Could Howarth's return have been on the agenda at the big meeting? Will he be the real Todd Manning or will "One Life to Live" pull a "General Hospital" and have Howarth return as a new character leaving St. John in the role of Todd ala how "GH" handled the return of Sarah Joy Brown, who originated the role of Carly Corinthos only to find Laura Wright occupying the role? Stay tuned to find out.

"One Life to Live" airs Weekdays on ABC. Anytime on"


  1. All I can say is, they had BETTER NOT make him a new character. That just won't be what fans want. Make TSJ an imposter, which is what he was anyway. OMG I am so happy!

  2. This is awesome news, I have wanted RH back ever since he left. I hope they write an imposter SL to explain RH's absense and TSJ's charcter taking over Todd's life.I am more excited about OLTL than I have been in years! I can't wait!

  3. @anonymous, that's if it's true, it has not yet been confirmed by ABC, but we can hope.


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