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Saturday, September 18, 2010

ATWT ends - another era closed .... and RH?

I encourage you to check this out:
Last Airing of ATWT Clip

Not only does it show Roger's last bit of work on the show, check out HIS HAIR. To me, it's appearing to possibly "grow out a bit?"

LOL. Cannot help myself.


  1. Could he be any less Toddian? :)

  2. @Sonja, probably not, but that could change . . . ;)

  3. I started watching ATWT about 2 years ago and couldn't believe the guy playing Paul was Todd!!!!!! Then I read the ATWT boards and they would talk about how RH played Paul just like Todd except a little "lighter".......I couldn't believe what I was reading!!!!!! Apparently these people NEVER watched Todd Manning!!!!!!! Paul Ryan was SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO far removed from Todd Manning, there was no comparison between the two characters.....I watched Paul for 2 years just trying to catch a little glimpse of my was less than 5 times that I said, "there he is"!!!!!!!! That is why I think RH is ready to return to Todd or at least a "toddlike" character......he has played a blonde wimpy Paul Ryan for far too had to be boring for him!!!!!!!! Im thinking he's ready to jump into a juicy role and be able to show his acting chops again!

  4. @Sonja - the blonde is crappy.

    @Bjujubee - I was going to watch ATWT clips to see what Paul Ryan was like. Playing Todd only light? From the ONE CLIP I've seen, that's totally wrong. I hope that you are right about the juicy role idea and I hope it's Todd on OLTL.

  5. @Kim - the only thing fun about watching Paul Ryan is he was sexy and proud of it was kinda fun to watch RH just be sexy and walk around shirtless and have all kinds of sex without the hold ups.....but of course that is a totally shallow reason!!! Paul the character himself wasn't that interesting to me at all....typical soap guy.....but the sex scenes were nice just because RH looks so dang good and does sexy so well and it was something that we never got to see with some Paul and Em vids on yt if you want to see what I's great eye candy!!!!!! LOL

  6. @juju, I am really considering watching ATWT from day one. I am. However, I tried it last week and hated it...and stopped myself and went back to Todd. Of course. Right now, you know, I am rewatching, yet again, the Rise to the Top story with Blair, I am right around the miscarriage....and it's just a storyline I am totally in love with....and it's this Todd, tormented but wanting to love someone, that I just adore probably most, or at leasdt close to most.

    I saw your recent uploads, thanks.

  7. @Kim-- I wish I had some good advice about watching ATWT but I don't!!!!! LOL I only did it because Podd ticked my off so bad with the Tarty story I refused to watch OL and got to thinking about RH and missing him so I flipped over to ATWT......barely recognized him!!!!!!! Couldn't believe that was Todd!!! LOL Then I watch some old I mentioned, the only interesting thing about watching RH as Paul is you get to see that other side of RH.....normal character, smiling, sex, know, mr soap guy! The character is just boring to me.....if I would have not known RH as Todd and just saw him as Paul, I wouldn't have been hooked, not even close. The character just did not move me at all and the writing did nothing either. I still can't figure out who Paul really is.....just all over the place. But again, it was nice to see RH smile and laugh , really smile with his eyes and really laugh. But he is just so wimpy to me.....and not the brightest bulb and that larger than life thing....not there at all. Really strange, but I watched for 2 years just to spite OL and Podd!!!!! Got to see RH at least and hope to see little glimpses of Todd which were almost none existent but when we would get them it would make you squeal with delight! Anyway, that my scoop on Paul and ATWT......when your bored check out some need to watch in order, the story isn't that deep!!!!! LOL

  8. @bjujubee, your part that says "no need to watch in order, the story isn't that deep" turns me SO TOTALLY OFF. With your edits, we have to watch in order to really see everything unfold. Not sure I want to see another "soap guy."


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