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Monday, September 6, 2010

More News on Roger


The Roger Howarth rumors continue: Is he headed back to One Life?

Photo Credit: JPI Studios
For the last few weeks, and over the last few days, a return to One Life to Live, by the original Todd Manning, Roger Howarth have picked up steam. First, there was the episode on the ABC Daytime series, where a confused Tea, pulled out a picture of Howarth as Todd and was insistent that Trevor. St. John (the current Todd Manning) was an imposter. Then came a report from Soap Opera Network just a few days ago that declared through their setside source that Howarth was indeed returning to the series sometime towards the end of this year, or the beginning of 2011. Then, last night, noted soap columnist Carolyn Hinsey on her facebook page made this statement: “Seriously, stop with the Howarth misinformation here please. He is not coming back to OLTL. Case closed.”

In the SON item their source stated, “You thought the tease a couple weeks back with Tea proclaiming this isn’t Todd as she pointed to a picture of Roger Howarth was not the start of something bigger? Think again.” On-Air On-Soaps did speak to a rep from the series who does not comment on speculative rumors associated with the series, as they are just rumors.

So does a Howarth return make sense? Well, in part yes, since Howarth’s run at As the World Turns had ended, and he is in New York City, where One Life now remains the sole ABC series. But, how would the writers play out this storyline with the plastic surgeries, the Walker Laurence issue, etc? Would Howarth play somebody new? The real Todd, the real Walker? Or, is this all just one more rumor in the the soap world that never materializes into anything ? And with Trevor St. John, one of the most heralded actors of the daytime genre, would it be wise to displace all the credibility of the character, that he has made into his own over time? I guess, we will all just have to make our guesses, and see what comes down the pike over the next few months. For fans, it simply also comes down to a case of who do you believe.


  1. I really hope the rumors are not just rumors. I think Roger Howarth returning to OLTL can do wonders for their ratings. In my opinion Roger is one of the best actors in the Soap Opera world today.

  2. I'm hoping the rumors aren't just rumors. RH's return to OLTL will do wonders for their ratings. He is such an amazing actor.

  3. @Ellen Bay
    You're SO RIGHT. I've read a lot of posts around the net, and a lot of folks are HOOKED and want him back. Hope it becomes a reality.


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