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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

No News is GOOD NEWS?

The further we get from the hoopla back in August when it was announced that SON had the info that Roger was returning to OLTL, the more I am convinced something has to be to this rumor. It seems incomprehensible that . . .

  1. Roger's camp would not come out and totally deny these rumors, if not to tell his fans the truth, but to give him open opportunities for more work.
  2. SON would claim an EXCLUSIVE and just be lying and never discuss it again, except to say that it's true and they stand by it.
  3. OLTL would be stupid enough to not try and woo him back somehow.
Until HIS CAMP comes out and says he is not returning, I will hang on to the hope that he will return.


  1. @Kim...I'm holding on to the hope that he's coming back too. I think that TPTB at OLTL are keeping us in limbo on purpose. It's great publicity and the debates whether RH is returning or not returning have developed a life of their own.

  2. @Ellen, you are so right...and there's nothing better but a NICE SURPRISE, it's just hard to keep it as a surprise with the internet nowadays.


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