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Friday, September 10, 2010

Roger's Possible Return

Could One Life to Live be planning a soap scenario similar to the John Black/Roman Brady one on Days of our Lives with the character of Todd Manning? For those not familiar with that story, when Wayne Northrop left Days of our Lives, he was recast with Drake Hogestyn a little while later. But when Northrop wanted to return to the role in the 90s, the Days team was left with a problem, since Hogestyn had become one of the most popular actors on the show. Instead of letting him go, it was revealed that the person believed to have been Roman the last few years was in fact John Black, a mercenary brain-washed to think he was Roman. Some speculate a similar situation could be about to occur on One Life to Live, as the current portrayer of Todd Manning, Trevor St. John, has become very popular with the fans of the show.

Roger Howarth Return Rumors
The speculation about Howarth returning to the show ignited when Soap Opera Network announced that it had exclusively heard that Howarth would be returning to One Life to Live in the near future. It also said that Howarth would likely be back on the show by January 2011. Soap Opera Digest columnist Carolyn Hinsey, on the other hand, has stated that Howarth would not be returning to the show.

Howarth Back as Todd?
A return to the role of Todd Manning could work. When Trevor St. John first came on the show, he was seemingly playing a different character than Todd Manning. Unlike many soap recasts where an actor is substituted for another and no explanation given to the change of appearance, it was eventually revealed that Todd had had plastic surgery. A similar story was used with Roman/John on Days of our Lives to explain the new actor. If this was reversed, and it was revealed the person the audience believed was Todd was really an imposter, it would allow both popular actors to stay on the show. A picture of Howarth's Todd was recently shown on the show, and one character, Téa, said the current Todd wasn't really him, leading many to speculate wheels are already in motion for an imposter storyline.

Read more at Suite101: Roger Howarth Returning to One Life to Live as Todd Manning?


  1. I like this scenerio! It is actually the most diplomatic way to handle the return of Roger Howarth and keeping the Trevor St. John fans happy as well. If TSJ's character wasn't brain washed it would make the last 7 years look unbelievable. This sounds like the best way to handle it.

  2. @Ellen, I really want this type of story, with the addition of TSH being a redeem him and keep the fans happy that he won't be downgraded by Roger (if possible) I'd like to see him actually RESCUE Roger if possible after realizing himself that he's not Todd after all. I'd like him to remain blameless. What do you think of that?

  3. @Kim, Yes I agree that's how it should be handled. TSJ has been on the show too long now to put him aside or make him the bad guy in this storyline. Plus there are many viewers who are not familiar with Roger's work and know TSJ as Todd so he needs to be kept in the storyline front and center. Hopefully this will make all the fans happy and Roger will work his magic and these same fans will recongnize his talent and that he is the only Todd!

  4. @Ellen....yes. You're so right, especially the point about TSJ having too many viewers to totally disregard him. Roger will definitely work that magic, no matter what, and of course, people will love his work...he's very talented.

  5. I like this idea...I'm cool with Imposter Todd having been brainwashed and even with giving him a storyline or part of a storyline that shows him to be heroic...however, I would like to see the hero part come after Real Todd arrives back in Llanview, and this is why (tried to reply to Smidget with this on one of the disappearing threads)....

  6. Anyway, we all know how intense RH can be with his eyes and the looks he much emotion, termoil, confusion, etc without even saying a word...

    I see Real Todd knocking on Blair's door (he's come to see his kids, announce his return, etc.)...Imposter Todd happens to be there (for whatever reason) and stops dead in his tracks when he opens the door (even if he's been brainwashed he's bound to recognize him because of pics)...Real Todd recognizes him and gives him one of those confused looks which rapidly turns to a very intense and angry death stare when Real Todd hears Blair's voice call out from the other room "Who's at the door, Todd?" or something like that.

  7. @Precious....interesting idea! I am sure you've heard mine somewhere, but if not, I will post it here later also. I like the imposter Todd idea no matter what, I want Roger as Todd, I mean, who wouldn't?

  8. This is off topic, and I apologize for that. Who exactly should I e-mail/call in support of Roger Howarth's return. The disappearing threads are getting to me. I don't know if anyone of authority reads those forums, but if they do, they're getting skewed information.

  9. @Sonja - not off topic at's the info:

    One Life to Live
    ABC Daytime
    320 West 66th Street
    New York, NY 10023

    Executive Producer of 'One Life to Live'
    Frank Valentini
    Executive Producer, One Life to Live
    ABC Daytime
    320 West 66th Street
    New York, NY 10023

    Head Writer of 'One Life to Live'
    Ron Carlivati
    Head Writer, One Life to Live
    ABC Daytime
    77 West 66th Street
    New York, NY 10023
    Phone Contacts
    OLTL Direct Comment Lines:
    (NY) 212-456-3338
    (NY) 212-456-7777
    OR (LA) 818-460-7477

    ABC Comment Line (NY) 212-456-1000 ask for comment line

    Brian Scott Frons
    President, Daytime Disney-ABC Television Group
    ABC, Inc.
    500 S. Buena Vista Street
    Burbank, CA 91521-4551
    Phone: 818-460-7020

  10. Thanks much! I emailed someone associated with OLTL a few weeks ago, but I have no idea if the email address was current. I'll call next. :)

  11.'re right...if anyone in power were to read these boards their view would certainly be skewed.

  12. @Kim...hmmm, I might just have to write down some RH returns as the Real Todd and TSJ is an imposter, ideas and send them in. lol won't likely do anything, but hey I guess you never know unless you try. lol

  13. The more we write and call the better!

  14. OLTL Direct Comment Lines:
    (NY) 212-456-3338

    This was disconnected when OLTL moved to the AMC studios. I used to love calling that direct line. I'm sure Ron got a kick out of those calls. LOL

  15. @rockwello - LOL! I am sure you gave him a piece of your mind! I hope if RH comes back the writing does not really annoy us....


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