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Search The Real Todd Manning

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Even at the nail salon...

My mind is on Todd! It's been almost two months since we first heard the rumor - and it's been fun and irritating. I'd like just a tidbit - a crumb - anything. What about you???

Back to my toes!
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  1. @Kim, I am losing some hope. It's now mid October and we haven't heard a thing. But maybe they are still in negotiations.

    Love the Halloween background!

  2. Thanks Ellen!! Wanted to do something special for us!!!

  3. I think there might be something too the rumors that maybe he won't return until "someone else" (cough PODD cough) is gone. There have been rumors that THE FAKE ONE will not be back when his contract is up in April and that RH will return after that. We will just have to wait and see I guess!

  4. But see, this does not make me entirely happy because I don't want Todd to have that history with Marty. HE NEVER would have done that. Ever. I hope that it's an imposter story, I just prefer it.

  5. I see what you are saying Kim. RH has so much integrity I don't know how he would play this if there is no imposter storyline. Yes, JuJu this is the best news I've heard for a while. It makes a lot of sense that TSJ wouldn't want them both to be on the show at the same time. If you saw him currently on the show his attitude is getting worse than before and it's coming out in his acting. Now that makes a lot of sense to me because he's probably pissed.

    Now Kim, there can still be an imposter storyline. What can happend is that fake Todd starts having memories of what really happened and that he is not Todd and either he has a family he left behind and leaves town or he had some part in what happened to the real Todd all these years and doesn't want to go to jail so he leaves town.

  6. Maybe....I just think they both could have easily been on the show if TPTB had some sense in their heads and could think up what we could. TSJ - leave. Maybe you will have a movie career. Not.

  7. Of course they could have both been on at the same time. And as you know I was the biggest fan of your idea when you originated that. But it sounds like the imposter's ego has gotten too big for his breaches.

  8. I have a feeling you may be right. He seems like the type. Roger, please....please come back, with your long hair, you now have the time to grow it.

  9. Very true and what ever Todd has been through his hair had to have gotten really long and wild.

  10. I definitely think the impostor story would still be in fact that might be why IT leaves...because the town was figuring it out for whatever reason. And just when they think Todd is gone for good now and must really be dead......what do they get???

    I would have loved to see RH and IT on screen together just because I would have loved the audience to see the night and day difference between what Todd is and who they think he is!!!! LOL But I do think TSJ is an egomaniac and I doubt that he would be in a story side by side with the person whose standard everyone has been comparing him too.

    And no, I don't think RH would ever "walk back into the role" of Todd, just step back in where IT's story stopped.....way to much wrong history with Podd......don't think RH would do that!


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