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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Look - is he COMING BACK OR NOT????

Post your ideas, thoughts and doubts!

Roger, we love you! Come back!


  1. I do think he's going to return. At least I'm really, really hopeful. lol And, I think that there are a lot of good signs that could be pointing in the right direction...I just think that no one has anounced anything yet. Maybe they haven't actually signed the contract yet, or maybe they have but he hasn't started filming yet because they are still working on his return, or maybe he's already back but they don't want to spoil anything to soon...I don't know, but I think no news from RH's camp is good news, plus there have been other little things here and there that seem to sound favorable.

  2. @Precious - I love this positive angle you've taken! I am losing hope.

  3. @Precious - I love your positive angle too! I am trying not to lose hope and I keep thinking that maybe they are trying to keep his return quiet. So once he is on screen it will take viewers by surprise. In this age of spoilers it would actually be amazing if it happened this way.

  4. @Ellen, hmm! I wonder if it is even possible that they can keep this a secret, because once he starts taping, people can easily find out he's at the studio, etc. Roger, ugh, just come back or tell us you're not!!!

  5. @Kim - Oh I know it's reaching. But I am letting my imagination run wild here (lol) and hoping it could be true.

  6. @Ellen, how many years have you been watching soaps? When I first started as a child, we never knew what was coming! All things were surprises.

  7. @Kim - I have been watching soaps for 30 years. It started with GH and Ryan's Hope in 1980. Then 2-3 years later I started watching OLTL and AMC. Oh and you are right. There was no such thing as spoilers back then. I remember when a show was particulary good being left hanging on a Friday and it seemed like forever to get to Monday to see what was going to happen. Actually as I think about it I watched Dark Shawdows as a child. I don't want to date myself but that had to have been appx. 40 years ago. When I was very little I remember watching Peyton Place with my mother and loving it.

  8. @Ellen, wow, you sound JUST LIKE ME, except I did not watch Ryan's Hope until later in my life as reruns, I knew it was on, though. WE sometimes watched Edge of Night. LOL. I was quite young then. I watched GH first, from 1978 on to about 1993 or so, and AMC and OLTL along with it. Who were your fave GH characters? Wait, don't answer that, it makes for a good OT BLog Entry!!!

  9. @Kim - I remember Edge of Night too. It was on before or after Dark Shawdows and I sometimes watched it. Thank you for asking me to make a Blog Entry! I'm afraid that I don't have the gift like you and Precious do. But I will give it a try soon. I can tell you are a teacher you are encouraging creative writing :)

  10. @Ellen, it was on after. I was not home in time from school to watch it. LOL. As for the blog entry, just come up with an idea, write it...send to me for editing, then I will teach you how to post and I will create your byline for you. :D

    All good.

  11. @Ellen & Kim (most likely for both of you lol)....first...Edge of Night or Dark Shadows...was one of those a show about vampires? lol should write a guest blog for sure! It would be fun, and you'll do great. Heck I'm usually afraid to reread anything I've written, but y'all seem to like it so I figure hopefully you mean it and you're not secretly laughing at me behind your backs. lol

    I love reading other people's thoughts, views, etc...I think you'll kill it, so you should do it! :) and Kim is great with the bylines...she wrote mine and I like it. :)

  12. @Precious, had to be DS, I never saw vamps on EON

  13. @Precious - Yes it was DS. There was a vampire, Barnabus. It was a great show. It took place in the present time frame which was then in the late 60's, early 70's. Then they would go back in time to probably the late 1700's-early 1800's. It was really cool.

  14. @Precious - I am thinking about writing a guest blog or a blog contrasting Luke Spenser and Todd. I haven't decided yet. Just really need some focusing time and then I will try it. And no, definitely not laughing at you behind your back. Love reading both yours and Kim's blogs. I enjoying them so much.

  15. DS sounds kind of cool and also kind of different for then. I'll have to see if there are any YT videos of it.

    Awww...Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed it. :) I can't wait to read your's because I bet it'll be great! Take your time..i'll be waiting with bells on till I see it. :)

  16. @Precious - Thanks very much for the encouragement!

    DS was cool. They had weird names too. Besides Barnabus, there was Quinton, Angelic, and Josette. And there were others of course. But those are the ones that stand out in my mine.

  17. @Ellen...You're very welcome! :)

    Ooo I like the names, I will for sure have to see if I can find some videos.

    You don't have to fix least I hope not because I've seen some I've made here. lol :)

    BTW if you ever run across me on SOC my name there is AW FanForLife...though it's obviously not the only soap I'll be a lifelong fan of. lol

  18. @Both - you guys are a pair, I'll tell ya - or are we a trio? I'd love to read this Spenser vs. Manning thing.

  19. @Kim...I think we're a trio. :)

  20. Ok, we're the Three Toddkateers, from this day on.

  21. roflol good thing I finished my moth full of chocolate milk because my computer may have gotten a not so good bath when I read that! lol But I love it! haha

  22. Well....a laugh is a good thing. I NEED MORE PEOPLE!

  23. BTW I had a mouth full a minute ago, not a moth full! hehe

  24. @Precious & Kim - Now you both have me laughing! Precious, my cat seems to like the taste of moths (lol)
    Kim love the name the Three Toddkateers for us. Too cute!

  25. @Precious - I will go on SOC tomorrow and befriend you.

    @Kim - You gave me the idea for Spencer vs. Manning. Hope I can do it justice. I will start working on it soon.

  26. @Ellen...yea cat's seem to like them. May I borrow your cat whenever one gets in my house...they creep me out. lol

    I like our new name too I should make us T-shirts. lol

  27. @Ellen...I would be very honored. :)

  28. Oh the t-shirts is a great idea. I will have to order a very big one.

  29. @Precious - Thank you, you are so nice!

    @Precious & Kim - t-shirts are a great idea!

  30. Ellen, I think it's a cute idea...definitely. I am sure over time, OLTL has had t-shirts but I wonder if there ever was a Todd t-shirt before?

  31. @Precious - My cat had another moth this morning. I would lend him to you but he is terrified of traveling (lol)


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