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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Question of the Day: Zach Rosen

Was Zach Rosen a sociopath, with no remorse, and no care for anyone but himself, or was it just that the writers never fully fleshed out his character and let us see his actual reasons for being involved with the Spring Fling and his own sadness or regret?



  1. I don't generally like the term sociopath or other terms similar because I think some people like zach fit into the mold but maybe should technically be classified as such. lol However...yea I think he was...I think they may have been trying to touch on diff personality types with the 3 guys and Zach is the, he had no real reason other then it was available and he didn't care if it was right or wrong, etc etc type.

  2. Well, quite a few folks think Todd is a sociopath, but they don't really KNOW him as we RH fans do. Todd has a LOT of guilt and remorse, he can't possibly be a sociopath. Zach, however, really makes me nervous!

  3. I think you kinda nailed it when you said the writers just never really fleshed him out. Their story was really about Todd and Powells journey and Zach was really just Todd's flunky. But of the three......Zach was always the most non feeling. Even during the rape......Todd was full of rage and anger, Powell was full of guilt and making himself ill, and then Zach was just thinking it was all a joke and good time had by all. And afterwards......Powell went bonkers over it (and Todd), Todd came to realize how cruel and evil it was and Zach was still just cracking jokes in therapy and mad at the world because he was left behind in jail. I don't know is he was pure evil, but his emotions were definitely disconnected. But I have to say, I LOVED the Todd and Zach relationship......seemed very real as a male college relationship!

  4. Yeah, that's probably it, maybe they just never got it done....but in reality, based on what we have seen, Zach would be the worst of the three mentally until later when Powell .... you know.

    Zach and Todd - it always seemed to have homoerotic tones. Sometimes I thought Zach just liked Todd too much. But then again, who the heck could blame him?

  5. Zach was a lot like Todd but different in that he never showed any remorse. I don't think that if they had fleshed him out more it would have made much difference because what I did see of him worked. I didn't need any more explanation on his character because as important as he was in the SL no more than that was needed for me to know about him. His showing no remorse and his cavalier attitude played well against Todd's and set the stage for breaking Todd away from the college gang and growing up.


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