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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Screen Mania, Round 8

Ok we're here trying again! You guys can do this. I believe this one is easy!

What scene is this? Who is he talking to/listening to?

Remember, no cheating. Whoever posts in FIRST with the right answer, wins the point! Have fun guessing. Time's up tomorrow at 9:00 EST. Sorry I was late tonight but I had family care.

This scene is at the jail, when Todd is meeting with Ray, discussing the fact that he does not think he wants to leave Statesville after all. I guess my screencaps are a bit tough, next time I do a round, I will try and do some easier ones. LOL.


  1. He is at his pardon hearing and listening/talking to Rebecca!

  2. Hey need to send those directions to me about how to capture a screen cap......send it to me through a YT msg so I can always have it.....sometime I can be so challenged.....but I know I love the Real Todd Manning!!!!! LOL

  3. Sure I can! I will do that today.

  4. I assume Ju is correct bc she knows her stuff! LOL
    He definitely is in his prison garb, that's all I know for sure.

  5. Time to announce the real truth.

  6. Darn, I am not going to assume Ju knows it all next time LOL and take a guess.

  7. In the room with Rebecca at hearing, the background is dark. :D It's ok though, I think mine are too hard. I just put up a new one. Round 9.


Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.