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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time for a poll

I don't know, these things just come to me. Make a little explanation about your vote if you want.

Have a GREAT IDEA for a poll question? Let me know by writing to admin.

Which TODD LOOK do you like best?

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  1. I can't help myself. I love his hair LONG, as long as can be, I love his goatee a little unkempt, and I love how he dressed during those scenes from the aftermath of Hospital Rapes, to Lord Heir, to Blair gold balloon wedding. I completely fell head over heels more than I was before during those times.

  2. Oh, and a little part of me is praying that while he's not back at OLTL and is waiting for the right moment, his hair is GROWING IN.

  3. This question is as hard as "favorite Todd scene"!!!!!! I can never pick just one! I chose Hospital rapes but I would choose different tomorrow. I love the long hair....I love the long thick hair of the pardon clips and beginning or the rapes.....I love the goatee coming in with the long hair during Blair. I love the look he had during the Tea years too......can't choose one!


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