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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Clip of the Day, Nov. 13, 2010

Enjoy this!

Oh I love the way Bo tells off Peter here. That was a GREAT tirade, and says it all. It is because of Peter the Hate that Todd is who he is, and also because of Bitsy, Irene and Victor, each in their own way. Bo is still not into the police thing right now, he's the Radio Station guy.

The sweatband is useless. Gee what a surprise after being in the woods, the floor of the restaurant, Elmer's sweaty head and the backpack he carried. Shocking.

Powell, the little pansy, afraid to speak up again. I can't tolerate this character until MUCH LATER in the story when he cracks. LOL. He just gives in to Max, and Zach shows up. What is Powell to do?

Luna gets told to stay home by Bo. Tee Hee. She's becoming the bad guy here, because of the "protesters." They're calling you a murderer, Luna. This was to be so dramatic but it's hard for me to take her scenes seriously, maybe you guys see differently.

Personally, this clip, another without Todd, makes me realize what a GREAT CAST OLTL HAD - and how the stories all fit together nicely. It's fun to watch people act as if they have been friends for years and that they are all true to the characters that they've had for those years. Awesome.

FAIL: Too many clips without my Todd

See you and don't forget to sound off? I am getting lonely here.

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