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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Clip of the Day, Nov. 16

Powell finally gets some....uh....courage. Thank God! This where Sean begins to show his muster as an actor a bit. They all were so YOUNG! I am amazed at the talent they of them, that's the least effective, has more talent than the whole lot of today's "younger actors."

My favorite part of this video is when Marty and the Scoobies show up at the station and make contact with Powell after he clears Looney Bird. Love that part! The expressions on all of the faces. And all of these were "younger actors!" Imagine!

No real Toddness in this clip..but enjoying them anyway.

FAIL: If Suede is so important to Marty how come he is not around?? LOL. Sorry!

I have a good question of the day for you all from this. Be back with it in a few. Until then, Sound off, will ya?

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