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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

From Erika Slezak's Newsletter . . .

How can she NOT mention her bro and her equal on the show? :D

There has been talk about Roger Howarth possibly returning to the show now that his show, ―As the World Turns, has gone off the air. Have you heard anything or talked to him recently?

It goes on and on and on. It would be brilliant if it were to happen. I don’t know.

And that’s not to take anything away from Trevor St. John.

Listen, if Roger came back, it would be a hell of a good story for both of them.

Yes it would. It would give Trevor something completely fresh and new to play.

If Roger Howarth were to come back it would be brilliant for the story for both of them, something to play. And it would give Viki something to play – who is the real brother?

OMG I could just die from this. A little spark of hope? She sees the imposter story just as we do. A chance for TSJ to play something fresh. YES! She will know who the real brother is IMMEDIATELY and so will we.

Go here for more on Erika:
Erika Slezak


  1. woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this! thanks for posting! :)

  2. I read about this interview today and I was giddy!!!!!!! Erica gushes about as much as we do and I love that it seems like there is a story in place and it is the exact story that most of us have been alluding too!!!!!! She is a big time RH fan......the interview keeps bring up TSJ and ES just keeps turning it back around to RH love......she needs to be part of OUR group!!!!!

  3. Maybe Erika is that mystery guest who hangs out around here sometimes, haha!

  4.'re right...she does need to be a part of OUR group!! :)

  5. Wow! What an amazing intereview!

  6. Erika is very wise. :) Impostor storyline FTW!

  7. YES....LOVE IT. It's the ONLY WAY to make it work. IF he comes back...


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