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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The 'King' of Daytime Joins 'One Life' - Soap Opera Network

The 'King' of Daytime Joins 'One Life' - Soap Opera Network

When I read this, I thought of one thing and one thing only. IF he comes back as Luis Alcazar, could he be part of HOLDING Todd in captivity somewhere, part of Hesser or Mitch's thing? Could he be interacting with Blair on a different level, not necessarily romantic?


  1. That would be great, Kim! Although I have never been a fan of Luis Alcazar, if it means RH returning I can handle it.

  2. Not an Alcazar fan either, but.....hey, let's hope. Hope you see you around later, meet us in the chat box. Precious Things was asking about you yesterday.

  3. Thanks Kim! And hi Precious! If I'm on here when you are on I would love to chat with you. I think because of our time difference it doesn't always work out.

  4. We're on here every night, pretty much....check and see. I am EST, she is CST and Juju and others are someone's usually here.


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