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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Screen Mania Series 3 Round 10

And here we are, last in the series.

Who is he talking to and what about?


  1. He is talking to Rebecca at that college hall and telling her he's going to chicago because of his dad??

  2. If it's not the dad convo, that it has to be the convo where she says her and Powell have split and RH wants them to try again?

  3. thanks for the great guesses. If anyone else wants to guess, come along!

  4. ToddManning939411/10/10, 7:09 PM

    I think Bjujubee is correct with the college hall talking to Rebecca before leaving guess.

  5. Ok any more guesses before the big reveal in 30 min??

  6. Juju was right, he was talking to Rebecca in the student hall, but it was her second guess, about them trying again now that she was not with Powell.


    Final score of Series 3:
    GEM = 1
    TM9394 = 1
    JUJU = 2

    Juju wins, so lady choose an avu or ask for something you'd like. I can do a Todd background for the You tube Channel page also if you like.


  7. Kim......your gift to me is this great site that spawn off the YT channel!!!!!! All the prize I need is in this site! You have put alot of hard work into this site and it's great.......that is all I need!!!!!!! Thanks so much!

  8. my goodness - how sweet!! Thanks

  9. it's just the do some incredible stuff on this site and make it alot of fun! I know we all don't have the free time for it some days......but I want you to know......I read the updates every day and love everything you do! Oh and BTW.......I have gotten new subscribers to the channel everyday this week......I think about 5 new people this week! So we are doing our job! Thanks again Kim

  10. Well then, eventually, they might come here, you never know. Thank you for the great comments you made here, it really made my night.


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