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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Soap Opera Network Article - Casting Notes for Nov.

I chose this to highlight here:
"Rumor has it that Christmas holiday will mean a few more appearances for Todd's sons Jack (Carmen LoPorto) and Sam (Jacob & Luke Clodfelter)."


Also check this article for some audition scripts recently released.


  1. AlexElizabeth11/11/10, 1:51 PM

    LOL, if they're bringing Sam out that means something BIG has to be happening! They don't even bring him out for Todd's weddings, haha!

  2. I was thinking about that too.

  3. I can't wait to see Mini Todd again.....I love Jack! LOL I heard a spumor a while back that Sam was gonna die....hhhhhmmmmmm

  4. I hope he doesn't....that's sad when kids die on shows. I love Jack too. Rh shows up. Jack turns to TSJ: I knew you were always wack! and runs off.

  5. Yep......I can see that scene happening now......except he kicks TSJ in shins as he runs off! LOL The Sam dying thing gave me hope because Sam would truly be TSJ kids, not Todd's so I figured that was their way to get rid of a character that wasn't really Todds in the first place, and what would the imposter do with a kid! LOL I know Im twisted! LOL

  6. I think that TSJ will be the imposter but not leave right away. Sam can leave town with him.


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