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Saturday, November 27, 2010

What's His Line? (continued)...

Ok, this game is at a stand still - and it's my fave, so PLEASE GUYS, help move it along!!??

Quote one, unanswered, Trinity:
"I need you. Your mind... your ideas... your... advice..."

Quote two, unanswered, Trinity:
"Hey hang on a second. Don’t go just yet, o.k.?"

Quote three, NEW, Kim:
"I ain't Cappy, all right, I was just hanging out here . . ."

Remember the rules:  Tell who he said it to and in what story.

Try and answer these and post a NEW QUOTE for us!


  1. "I need you. Your mind... your ideas... your... advice..."

    Tea was in the hospital right after the auction where Blair pushed her out of the window. Todd is freaking a little.. then he told her he would appreciate it if she would stick around.

    "Hey hang on a second. Don’t go just yet, o.k.?"

    1997 also and right after Starr got out of the hospital. Blair was in the hospital and Judith just put "Shorty" down for the night and he didn't feel like being alone.

  2. Thanks for posting the reveals! Now the new quote:

    "I ain't Cappy, all right, I was just hanging out here . . ."

  3. Ok this line seems to have stumped us. It's when Todd was running to New York after kissing Rebecca, and he almost gets caught in the woods by Cord. Then he runs into two guys drinking, who say they know who he is, and think he is Cappy. LOL.

    Ok a new one:

    "That guy I told you about? He put a curse on me. It makes me wanna hurt all the people that made me unhappy. Sometimes I just can't help myself."

    Who did he say that to and where?

  4. Did he say this to the priest when he was wanting to kill Powell when he was on the run

  5. I think he might have said it to CJ and Sarah after coming back from seeing Powell with Rebecca

  6. Yes right please post a quote

  7. we're just getting to know one're other options are a very nasty man, a very young boy and a crotchety ol lady please give me a shot...

  8. Rodd talking to Tea when they first met

  9. ok Rodd talking to the psychologist

  10. It is Rod now figure out who he's talking to and about whaT

  11. last try - talking to the judge during the trial?

  12. Sorry Kim think farther out of the box

  13. here's an easy one "blend dear blend"

  14. to judge as Ms Perkins during DID trial

  15. Yea Kim the blend dear blend answer was right

  16. Kim post your line and Jenny can post one too

  17. My turn because I got the last one, even though I missed the Rodd one!

    "Do yourself a favor, when they screw up, tell them they're ok."

    Who does he say that to and in what circumstance?

  18. Kim line is ssaid to Cord about CJand Sarah when Cord visits him in the hospital

  19. Shut up! Shut up! Both of you shut up!

    Who did he say it to and when

  20. @ kim not the right scene or characters

  21. To his reflection when he was back and forth between Tom/Rodd.

  22. @ JennyJuly3 No not then either

  23. If that line still stumps you try this one:
    "He's been dabbling in the finer things in life, lust, passion, and adultery and now you can add to that list that he has murder in his heart..sweet murder..."
    Who did he say it to and about whom? What storyline is this?

  24. "He's been dabbling in the finer things in life, lust, passion, and adultery and now you can add to that list that he has murder in his heart..sweet murder..."

    He said this to Tea about Andrew during the four week reconciliation story.

  25. New Quote

    "The moral of the story - cherish the moments you have with the woman you adore because you don't know how long they'll last."

  26. Rodd, to Tea, at the Opera. LOVE this. If I am right let me know.

  27. @Kim You're right. Your turn.

  28. New Quote: "I can feel your heart beating just like mine is now. Now tell me, is that pity? Or is that something else?"

    Who to and where?

  29. I'm going to take a shot Did Todd say it to Rebecca in the hospital after the Therapy session that went bad

  30. Yes, correct, continue! :D

  31. This is one of my all time favorite scenes
    "You look so beautiful in this light...I never ever wanted you more than I do right here right now!"
    Who did he say it to? When and what occurred?

  32. Oh brother I feel like I shouldn't be answering this because I have these scenes memorized.

    He said this to Blair, they were in bed. YES! Anyway, afterward, Tina calls him or something and he goes to the hotel where he sees David and Blair together, and it leads to that hilarious "French" farce....I love it.

  33. "You know how it is. People see evil when they want to see evil"

    To who and where?

  34. Just a guess
    To Addie at st. Anns

  35. He said this line to Alex while she was in prison, when he met with her and Tea! :D

    I will post another new one, hopefully easier.

  36. "but you better get every word, because when I'm done, you and every other cop in this town are finally gonna have to admit you were wrong."

    To who and where. Love this stuff.

  37. Todd said this to Officer Andi when he was in the Hospital after being knifed by the hospital rapist.

  38. "Wherever you've been I don't see you walking around the same blocks I have."
    To Whom and Where

  39. Ok...let me think.

    How about "No more Mr. Nice Guy!"

  40. Did he say it to Moose in the penthouse?

  41. Didn't he say this in the cabin while holding everyone hostage?

  42. Okay, I'm sure this is easy but it's one of my faves.

    "I walked right in, I said 'Boo' to the receptionist, she fell right over."

  43. Todd to Kevin at the Banner

  44. That's right, your turn.

  45. "They give you a name...They call you evil...they call you bad!
    Who's he talking too and where are they

  46. the answer to the first quote can be found on JUJU's vid 306 at 1:21
    new quote way easier..."Don't you get fresh with me.I'm a married man people will start to talk"

  47. 1st line: "Well I guessed somebody just reached out and touched him."
    Who did he say it to and where
    2nd line:"I'm quitting good deeds cold turkey"
    who did he say it too and where
    3rd line:"Listen Witch,you're going to help us with ths ugly stepmother problem"
    Who did he say it too and Where

  48. new line "Funny! My ego's got more holes in it then a store ful of cheap donuts" who and where

  49. "Funny! My ego's got more holes in it then a store ful of cheap donuts"

    Did he say this to Rae the other therapist???

  50. Ok...then maybe it was to Ray the original therapist?

  51. kim, you're close but I need to know which Sam

  52. Here's a new line To whom and when:
    "You all want a piece of me, something you can buy- something you can sell- well I aint giving out free samples"

  53. Ok the first one that was still hanging is Sam Vance. Yes?


Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.