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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who will discover the truth???

If there is an imposter story coming, WHO would you like to be the FIRST one who starts suspecting Todd's not Todd? Give reasons and some scenarios. This can be FUN!


  1. Well, for me, I'd like it to be RH. He could have amnesia and then start having his typical brilliant solo scenes where he starts to realize who he is.

  2. For me, it's definitely Viki. I really want her to start to notice that TSJ is not acting as himself and start to suspect that something is wrong!

  3. I would like to see Starr go through some changes in her life in which she is thinking about her past and especially her relationship with her dad. Then she would start realizing how so many things about TSJ are not like her real dad. She would then start questioning him alot and TSJ (being brainwashed) would start having memories of who he really is.

  4. As much as I may not like it, I say it'll be Marty. Amnesia guy will probably recently transferred to St. Anne's and she will be the first to be freaked by the guy who has Todd's old face.

  5. She might think she is seeing things! THat's a decent prediction! Thanks for sharing!!! Check out our Thanksgiving Return thread.


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