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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Carmen LoPorto given the ax by One Life to Live! | Michael Fairman On-Air On-Soaps

From Michael Fairman

Carmen LoPorto given the ax by One Life to Live!

As many viewers saw during One Life to Live's bravura Christmas episode last week,  there was a slightly older Sam in the Manning household, when the show recast the youngster with Patrick Gibbons Jr.  However, now comes word that Jack Manning played for over three and half years by actor, Carmen LoPorto, has been let-go to make way, we presume, for a SORAS'd Jack to mix it up with this dysfunctional family.
LoPorto made the announcement on his Facebook page stating: "I got a call this week that they SORAS'ed Jack and I am no longer a member of the Manning Family. It's been fun and an experience that I will never forget.  Thank You All Again. Here's to bigger and better things to come in 2011."
There has been no official announcement made by the series as of yet, as to who will take over the eldest son of Todd Manning. On-Air On-Soaps wishes Carmen well in all his next endeavors, as he did a great job as the chip-off-the-old block  young son of  Trevor St. John (Todd Manning).


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