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Friday, December 10, 2010

Clip of the Day, Dec. 10, 2010

Oh Marty, can you be serious? She says in COURT that he is a victim? Ugh. And she forgives him, that's her right, but it's way too much. He's not any different from them as far as what he has done. "Rarely have I seen defendants so cold-hearted." Two things here....he hasn't? Well he hasn't seen much, has he? He's probably referring to our boy, but......And second, how come Todd's personal vendetta ends up being Powell, Marty and Nora and even eventually Bo, not Hank? Hmmmm..... He should have wanted to go after Hank too! Maybe he was too afraid of Hank?

"Having a bunch of girls get up and cry for you..." He's SO TOTALLY VILE!! Love this actor and his ability to create such a complex figure in a short time.

Gosh, LOVE this Rachel. Love her talk with her mom, so great. OLTL always includes fantastic scenes and small details like this.

Ok Roger's sullen face has got to be one of the most gorgeous sites on the planet. He's absolutely the most beautiful man ever. When he awaits his sentence, and he's pouting, OMG. Roger, where the HECK ARE YOU? We are definitely pining for you! He's STUNNING. What's that line, a strikingly attractive human being? Thanks Gail!

I LOVE WHEN THE JUDGE YELLS AT TODD!! Wow...."Remorse does not replace punishment." Uh, ok. 8 years, 8 years and 1 year? LOL. That's a bit strange. Todd goes off in his Toddian way....and the courtroom chatters. Loved OLTL then!

FAIL: The whole Powell the Pure syndrome, it's aggravating. I know I keep saying this over and over, but this is how we get the rest of the great story with the rivalry and the dark and light issues.....but STILL. Todd gets 8 with 4, Powell gets 1 with three months? That seems a little scant even for a wuss like him!

Sound off!
See you!

1 comment:

  1. Punishments on this show have always been skewed. Todd and Zach and Powell all deserved punishment just because Powell felt remorse and the other two didn't, didn't justify the shortened sentence but like you said they needed the animosity to fester between Todd and Powell in oder to make the later stories pop.

    Todd was truly obnoxious in those first years, he used Rebecca but once he spent more time with her the more he started to truly feel something for her. It was the change in Todd's feelings that started the change in Todd. From someone purely out for revenge to someone who stopped long enough to think about what he had done, Todd changed while on the run. I Think Nora and Marty wanted to help Powell because he brought out the Mother in them. After he tried to Kill himself they felt he really had been forced into doing something heinous but for Marty to stand up for her attacker was a bit much.


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