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Monday, December 20, 2010

Clip of the Day, Dec. 20, 2010

Here's a clip for us:

This is a very important talk between Rebecca and Todd. It's one of those that we can see through him and peek at his pain. This is the kind of thing that writers today have little ability to do, for some reason. Or perhaps they don't have the talent that they need to carry these stories out.

He's so full of it, but at the same time, he's making a connection here that he won't be able to refute later, and he will change, slowly, but definitely.

Zach can't be believing Todd?

I LOVE the parents talk with Rebecca, he cannot handle the pain associated with this talk yet. He avoids it so he can stick to his plan. She can see the hurt straight through him. She does not want to let it go, and later, she will get more information than she bargained for. "How can I do you any good if you won't be honest with me?" LOL, good question, Rebecca! Cannot wait for more of this to unfold.

FAIL: I don't think Zach really believes Todd? It was kind of a weirdly placed conversation with he and Powell, that made him look sort of gullible and dumb....but I guess it moved their conversation along. IRL, I don't think a person like Zach would fall for Todd's antics.

Sound off!

1 comment:

  1. @ kim
    I totally agree with you about this clip and for the first time in a long time Todd's achilles heel is shown ..Todd's reaction about his parents is a defining moment....Here is a man with a plan and he's going forward with it. He's using Rebecca to get his digs in at Nora and if possible at Luna and Marty when suddenly, like a bolt of lightening from hell, he's hit in the gut with a question about his Parents. Todd literally reels and is caught completely off guard.
    Although he tries to recover, Rebecca has seen the Pain and we're given a glimpse of the fractured man sitting in front of her. From this moment on Todd is vunerable. Because of Rebecca's empathy Todd will eventually open up and all the pain will come forward.
    While everythiing is transpiring with Todd and Rebecca, the writers briing us back to current reality by having Zach and Powell discuss Todd's (rebirth) or the lack of.


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