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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Clip of the Day, Dec. 26, 2010

Whoa, Todd lost control of himself here, what else is new?

This exchange with Powell is pretty good. "Everybody knows Marty Saybrooke is a liar"
"Yeah, everybody but you and me, Todd." Nice one.

"I need her! She still believes in ME Powell!....She has to believe in me." Now does he mean, so that he can carry his plan out? Or does he mean, so he can feel like a human being, or both?

All right, here is a part of this story that I've never paid as much attention to, until now. He holds his hand under the scalding water. He doesn't flinch. It makes me think of what I am sure you all are thinking of. The story of Peter was NOT A LIE, and he was tortured as a child. This, to me, solves any question about it. He's able to "go somewhere else" in his mind and "not feel a thing." OMG, I love this man and his art.

Of course, he uses this whole opportunity to get to Rebecca, and we know the outcome of this. Devious, vile and totally hot, what's not to love?

FAIL: Again, Powell just sits down at someone else's visitor without any cares. Sigh.

Sound off! Ya know you want to!


  1. Todd....Manipulator or Lost Soul...Todd and his demons. Todd does some serious backpedaling after blowing up in front of Rebecca about Marty. After Rebecca leaves and you see him sitting there in quiet desperation there is a glimmer, just a hint, that he really does need Rebecca and not just for his plan. That insecurity and desperation also come out in his chat with Powell. It's clear that Todd needs Rebecca more than he thinks. What Todd does next is baffling to say the least. Todd scalds his hand and we have to wonder why. Todd gets a look in his eye right before he does it. Is he thinking he's got to punish himself or is he thinking I need something to get Rebecca back in my corner, We're led to believe in the next scene that he did it to manipulate Rebecca and regain her sympathy but we should remember that when he did it he had no guarantee that Rebecca was going to come back. I loved that defensive attitude that Todd shows us at first when he arrives to see Rebecca. It reminded me of a little boy who knows he's done something wrong but is unsure of the reception he's going to get from his parents. Todd stands there hugging himself waiting for whatever reaction he's going to get. Of course Todd quickly reverts to form once he sees that Rebecca is going to be sympathetic, and Todd the manipulator is off and running again.

  2. I never once wondered why he scalded his hand....I just was amazed at the forethought, or the luck, of landing this idea that he was tortured as a child. I knew when he did this he was going to milk it for sympathy to bring Rebecca back into the fold. The way he looks off into the distance - no doubt in my mind, Peter's abuse.


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