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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Clip of the Day, Dec. 29, 2010

Hey all, worked on a new MVID Project all day, so here I am now with the COTD.

Hmm let's see where I am. I am SO CONFUSED for this reason: I've done a WHOLE HISTORY OF TODD's life in pics, am watching as much 2000+ as I can, stuck on Gravity of Love and Valentine, also watching Hospital Rapes story, and....watching this part of the story too. So bare with me!

Looks like our boy is not getting out of there today! Going to take some DRASTIC MEASURES! LOL. Thanks, Jerry, for the good idea! A stretcher! That's how I can do it!!!

"Take a good look at the sky, pretty boy." Hmmm. He IS such a pretty boy, isn't he? the way he carries on is pure lunacy. He spits on Powell. Perfect pucker!

In solitary, again, we get to see Roger carry a scene completely ALONE. He does it perfecly. Amazing work. OMG, shen he cracks his own head against the wall, I was flinching. Ow. Roger's so convincing and Todd is completely NUTS.

FAIL: He's fighting Powell again, needless to say, it doesn't ring a bell later in that important story?

Love these scenes, SOUND OFF

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