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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Question of the Day, Dec. 28, 2010

Question, based on what I read, the way the Real Todd and Blair left things off, if he has his memory, he would believe that he still loved Blair - and also, all the things Blair did with Tea to try and take Podd from her would be GONE with TSJs history? Is this correct the way I am seeing it? Also, if not, what was the ending of Real Todd and Blair in 2003 like?


  1. In 2003 when Mitch framed Todd for Sam's murder Todd and Blair were on the outs simply because his plan to make Blair think her life was in danger by the mob was shredded when Sam showed up at their 4th wedding attempt with the supposedly dead Suzanne in tow. Even so Blair later decided that Todd wouldn't have killed Sam no matter how mad he was at Sam and he wouldn't have just left with out any word. Besides, Mitch was in town and Blair didn't trust him since she knew Mitch might have done something to Todd..So in answer to your question Todd was very much in Love with Blair when Mitch took him and Blair still cared for Todd she was convinced that Mitch had Todd. Everything that has occurred since would be wiped out if Todd resurfaced and His current namesake was proven a fraud.

  2. What was Todd's motivation for lying to her about the mob thing?

  3. Todd had come back from the island and he was still trying to get back in her good graces for trying to kidnap the kids also she was in tight with Sam and Sam was telling her to stay clear of Todd. Todd thought if he could convince her the mob was after her and that he could protect her that she would come around. Which she did since they were all living in the penthouse together.

  4. Ah, I see. So one again, he believed he was not enough for her, and that he had to manipulate things in order for her to really love and accept him. He made that mistake SO MANY TIMES. Poor Todd. But this is the answer I wanted, so thanks.

  5. KIm, we were told that Todd got plastic surgery, not only because he was so badly beaten up by Mitchs goons, but also because he thought if he had a different face, he could get his family back because Blair wouldn't know it was him. He would tell her who he really was after she had fallen in love with this guy who was really him. So YES, it's very easy for them to do an impostor story. No one ever asked him to prove who he was. Starr had questioned a few things & he came up with answers that she thought only he would know, so she believed him. If I remember correctly, Blair was too upset when she learned what he had done to question anything.


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