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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Clip of the Day, Jan 6, 2011

Our boy in normal clothes again, sigh.

"I know you'd never hurt me."

Poor witty bitty Powell the Turd, did he get his feelings hurt when the maid did not want to serve him?

Just watching Nora and Bo in this clip, and then seeing them twice this week on OLTL, I am happy and amazed that they are still there, still together and still allowed to have scenes by TIIC. They are truly a lasting couple, even though they have had their problems over time. Love anything that's like real life in these shows, almost as much as the stuff that's NOT! They are really a fantastic couple....but are they "super?" They don't have those wild adventures but . . . what do you think? See my Owner Editorial on Supercouples and today's QUESTION OF THE DAY (scroll down.)

Rebecca is taking care of Todd, who is burning up with fever. Now what is the fever from? The pills or the head injury?

"You're not like the others, not at all."

"God is with you and I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." Gee that was quite a large thing she took on! Poor Rebecca....but as the story develops, she also hurts him in her own innocent way.

Is this Todd's first "non-mannered" eating scene? She's so trusting and he's shoving food into his mouth. Roger does this eating stuff like a champ!

"Todd is very smart and very twisted!" I like to post IRONIC statements when I get the chance, since we know what is coming down the pike.

FAIL: When sick, Todd was getting in the bed fully clothed with BOOTS/SHOES ON. LOL.

Sound off!

1 comment:

  1. What can I say...Powell is facing some of the prejudices that come with being a criminal is it right, no, but it happens and Vicki, being the good person she is, will stand up for what is right. We sit back and watch and are morally outraged that someone could be insensitive and cold the way the maid was...but deep down we're all guilty of our own prejudices and capable of being just as insensitive..
    On the other side of the coin we have Rebecca helping Todd, asking for nothing in return but that he get better and escape to what she hopes will be a better Life.She knows what he has done but she see a man not a monster and feels compassion and concern for him as a man in need of help.. Because he's sick, Todd is getting a good look at the real Rebecca, in that moment, he is realizing she doesn't fear him and that to him is unbelievable because all he's seen up to now is everybody's hatred and fear. If you kick someone down enough times , they're going to feels it's a long hard climb to get back up and in the process they start hating everyone who put them down. O f course as soon as Todd gets better he's back to his scheming ways.
    Lastly in these scenes we have Marty being informed that Todd is out as well as Powell given her history with both men and if I were in her shoes, I would be terrified. So naturally when she accidentally bumps into Powell the terror is in her eyes. Even if she stood up for him at court, Marty has got to feel uneasy being around one of her rapists and also knowiing that the ringleader is out and could be anywhere. Quite frankly I'm surprised she stuck around to talk to Powell I would have turned and left immediately.
    The nuances of this story were remarkably subtle and complex as we engaged in a study of the ramifications of a Gang Rape set in a small town and all the people whose lives it affected.


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