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Monday, January 3, 2011

Clip of the Day, January 3, 2011

wow, I overslept, shut my alarm, and woke up to do this and....the first thing I saw was SUEDE!

Gotta come back later and do my commentary.

See you this evening.


  1. Well, he's loose...and he's sick but Todd has managed to somehow find himself back in Llanview and as luck would have it behind Wanda's. It was prophetic somewhat when Suede and Jason took stock of Powell and gave him some of the same treatment that Todd receives daily. Powell had been going along being as Todd called it the"Poster Boy of Rape rehab" and now back in the outside world he's being seen by many in the same light as Todd and Zach . In essence now he's is going to have to show everyone he's a changed man. Of course he's really not. And then we see Rebecca, Todd has already woven his magic and Rebecca is fully ensnared. Right now she only sees what Todd has set her up to see..Some of that "I'm a changed man" shine will eventually rub off but by then Rebecca will be in love with Todd.

  2. First off I do HATE Suede.....the actor is terrible....but man do I love the words he says to Powell the Turd!!!!!! LOL Not just him but also Jason, and then Wanda, and then Rebecca! And not only does Rebecca cuss him out......she blames him for all of Todd's woes....and then she hears about Todd escape and blames Powell for that too!!!!! LOL I love it. Poor Rebecca already has it bad for our boy! Gotta love Zach in this clip perfect Zach fashion, no loyalty to anyone.....if it can further his cause he's spilling the beans.....after all he is the only one of the three frat boys left in prison at this time.....he's feeling kinda lonely in there.....can't blame him!


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