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Thursday, January 6, 2011

NEW FEATURE: Transcripts

Various Scene Transcripts will be posted here.

1 comment:

  1. By RKARENA: Todd Meets Victor

    OK this is not a fantasy scene tht I made up but it is a fantasy of mine for Todd to return in a fifth Alter named Victor...This is the actual scene as it took place on Feb. 25th 2003 between Todd and his Father Victor.
    Victor's hospital room..Victor's alone when the door opens you see Victor and a pair of legs at the door.
    Victor: "Who's There?"
    Todd: "Hello Father...So what happened? Hell doesn't want you either. You don't kow who I am do you? Hi Victor, Vic, Pops,,,I'm Todd Manning"
    Victor:"My Son"
    Todd: "I'm Not Your Son! You gave me away! You just couldn't wait to get rid of Irene Clayton's Bastard, Could You!"
    Victor: "Irene"
    Todd: Yeah...Yeah Irene...You remember Irene! She was my mother and she loved me...she wanted me...and You...Youmade hergive me away! How does a guy do that?!"
    Victor:"So long ago."
    Todd:"Not that you care...but I wound up being raised by this guy named Peter Manning, Irene's cousin...Oh he did a bang up job too! He raised me probably the way you would have raised me."
    Victor: "Not the same."
    Todd: "ou're lucky you didn't raise me. I probably would haave grown up and tried to kill you,just the way Vicki did."
    Victor: "Victoria...Beautiful Victoria"
    Todd angrily moves to Victor's bed
    Todd: "You don't deserve to live after what you did to her! Don't worry,I'm not here to kill you....You're a Waste of my time Pops.. You're dead already."
    Victor laughs "You are My Son. I would have named you Victor...or Junior"
    Todd: "I hate your guts!"
    Victor: "You can't hate me...You are me!"
    Todd: " I Am Not You!"
    Victor: "You're my only living Son."
    Todd:" No! You gave me away! You gave away your own kid! I would do anything...I would give anything for my kid!"
    Victor: "It's what I had to do."
    Todd: "You didn't do what you had to do. You did what you wanted to do. You ruin everything that you touch."
    Victor: "You're a powerful man!" Victor reaches for Todd's Heart. "You have a powerful heart! The Heart of a Lord!"
    Todd: "YOU SHUT UP!"
    Victor: "you must save the Lord Empire"
    Todd:"There is no Lord empire...Look at you..You're Dead!"
    Victor: " I made a terrible mistake! You must fix it!"
    Todd: "No...Nobody can fix your mistakes."
    Victor: "The Future is in your hands. Don't let Mitch Lawrence take your Legacy! You have to stop him. Stop Mitch Lawrence!" Victor takes off his ring.
    Todd: "Look i don't know what you're babbling about..Mitch Lawrence is in jail."
    Victor: "Find the Lawyers...Mitch Lawrence..."
    Todd: "He's in jail...he's behind bars. The guy's out..out of the picture."
    Victor: "STOP HIM! /Don't let him take your Legacy.STOP HIM! STOP HIM!" Victor puts his ring iin Todd's hands...Todd takes the ring and back away slowly with out saying another word Todd leaves the room and runs into Vicki in the Hall. Vicki asks Todd what he was Doing and he says: "I didn't kill the guy if that's what you want to know. I left him can do it now.." Todd stares at her then he tells Vicki to leave it alone that Victor is ancient history. Vicki replies that it is the Ancient History that she needs to talk to him about and she heads to open Victor's Door..before she enters Todd says "Vicki" and looks at her for a moment then with a rueful smile he nods and leaves her. The next scene with Todd is at the Jail confronting Mitch.. Todd so much like Victor and yet not..Interesting that Victor would have named him after himself...


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