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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Jack! Thanks to GAIL

What about this pic?

Who do YOU think he looks like?

Also, CP TALENT Agency Twitter:!/search/andrew%20trischitta



  1. Boy if that's the new Jack we'd better get Roger back because this young man could be his younger brother and at least it looks like he'd fit in between Starr and Dani age wise

  2. He is almost a replica of our boy. OMG. I wish this could be taken as the clue I want it to be.

  3. Whoa, that's Jack? Wow...boy this kid better have the chops to play this role. I still say no one could do it like Carmen.

  4. Yep that's Jack, of course the ACTING remains to be seen but what do you think of the LOOK?

  5. He looks exactly like Roger!

  6. That is what I thought. Now we have to see if he ACTS like Roger. :D. Could it be a clue?

  7. That kid is cute as heck first off!!!! LOL He does like RH way more than he looks like TSJ.....but I still say Jack looks more like RH. We will have to see about the acting.....if he has half of what the Jack we have now has......he will be fine!!!!!! I still don't like that they are SORASing him........I think they are doing it do get him in that fricken 90210 scene......I don't want to see another sex starved teen! I hope they don't make him that.

  8. Probably sorasing him so that he can stand up to his FATHER when he comes back. Def not TSJ lookalike.

  9. I hope that is why that are SORASing him! Speaking of looking like TSJ.......that little SAM looks just like TSJ!!!!!! LOL I think they are making a point of the kids looking like that.......because they are trying to make the point the the kids HAVE DIFFERENT FATHERS!!!!!!!!!

  10. OMG, Ju, that is EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT!!!!! EXACTLY. That little Sam was a mini Milton Bittlecomb (TSJ as a teen) and I totally agree with your thoughts.


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