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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today on Twitter...

Conversation between two tweeters:

"There's some crazy a** Todd fans on SOC trying 2 always start s*** w/this "real" Todd nonsense & RH being better than TSJ, ugh!

They NEVER talk about the show. They just bash TSJ and say the REAL Todd is RH. Fiction vs reality 101 really needed over there.

Yeah, every thread that EVEN mentions Todd they start that b***s*** about the REAL Todd & RH vs TSJ. Most of it is actor bash IMO!"

I can"t imagine who they could be talking about? What do you think?


  1. AlexElizabeth1/4/11, 9:36 AM

    I've never seen anything like that on SOC LOL!

  2. ToddManning93941/5/11, 6:29 AM

    Mysteries of the universe: Why is "actor bash" frowned upon while "writer bash" is perfectly acceptable and basically encouraged?

    Are they not all people with feelings?

    TSJ blows. LOL.

  3. LOL!

    And it's not actor bash to say that RH is NOT as good as TSJ?


Remember to keep the posts positive, it is all in fun! A good hint is to use the @symbol when directing a comment at a specific person who posted prior to you, if you choose.