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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Erika Slezak has choice words for Dena Higley (wrote from 2004-2007)



  1. Comment on this article by GEM:

    On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:12 AM, GEM wrote:

    That was the only time in my 40 yrs of watching that I stopped DVRing it. After a year or so, I didn't recognize any of the older characters. Like ES said, no vets were used & whoever was being used was like new characters. Clint was dating Dorian for real. "Todd" was taking cooking lessons & buying expensive jewelry for the lawyer that put him on death row..It was a joke, I couldn't watch it anymore. I heard that ES went to frons & got her (DH) fired, not sure how true that was, but when she was gone

    RC took over & we got Viki & the Paris texas story. Clint broke up with Dorian because she was taking over BE. That was a great ending to that story, everyone in the room finding out it was Dorian behind it all. "Todd" went back to his family being the ass he always was. Of course it wasn't the same but without RH I never thought it would be. We had Allison back with some sort of DVD she wanted to tell Jessica & Natalie about. (RH negotiating with ATWT & OL at the time, I'm going to assume)

    Then the writers strike hit & we got Tomlin & Frons writing the show for a few months. That's when everything changed. The DVD & Allison disappeared, Todd took Marty hostage & we know how that turned out. KAD redux, we had 1 Todd story after another bringing up old history. I think they wanted to recapture his past, but they didn't count on Bah f'ing it up like he did & it seemed as tho every story, for all the characters, ended abruptly. The show was a mess. But for the last few months it seems OL is back on track, IMO. I'm enjoying the show. All except the teens, but I don't think that will change, so I just FF'ed. With RH coming back it can only get better...I don't let Bah bother me like others, LOL do......


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