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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Clip of the Day, 9/30/10

Carol Swift....oooh, shudder. Todd's really not happy about this! Marty will also be taking the stand Love her scenes. Commentary follows.

Carol Swift's testimony. Todd looks like he needs milk of magnesia during this part of the story. Perfect reaction by Rachel...I remember when watching this, it did not take long to figure out what Carol had to do with Todd before the testimony. He actually looks regretful a few times along the way....but it was pretty clear what Carol REALLY had to do with Todd, at least to me. "Take it easy, ok?" on the part of Zach, who I start seeing as the mastermind of playing the system, or attempting to. He tries to keep a lid on the emotionality of everyone throughout the rest of this story, even of Todd during the Statesville stint. Todd almost appears to be saying (with Roger's expressive eyes and face) that he cannot believe how Zach could stay quite so calm and encourage him to do the same after what Carol just laid on the court.

"All Rise." Todd sits. He's being singled out from the four of them. Of course, we know he's contemplating what past he has with Ms. Swift, but in a way, he's already being set apart from the other characters in these scenes.

Love it. Kevin makes a beeline for Todd and Rachel stops him. Kevin definitely knows something is up. I can see how the hatred developed between these two, but I preferred it coming from THIS KEVIN. :D And then, here goes Zach again, being the buffer between our boy and Carol. Todd's emotions are raw even then. He can't even make the decision to STAY AWAY FROM HER after she testifies. It would be in his best interest, but he can't help but say something to her anyway. Powell panics (as always - sorry but I cheered on "shut up you little wimp") Zach is trying to keep things in balance, figuring that if he can, they will get away with it.

Nora's cross examination of Carol is really good. It kind of makes her look self-interested and damages her credibility. "Not so Swift, are you, Miss Swift?" Gotta hand it to Nora, she was a pretty good attorney.

Todd loses it, the second that Marty talks. Wow. I had forgotten how FAST he got taken over by his emotions here - and by his guilt, no matter how deeply buried.

FAIL: Carol Swift. Although I do like the idea that someone heard and testified against the guys and that it leads to Todd's undoing in a way, I don't think I like how "miss perfect" she is. I think a little bit less of a goody goody to be someone Todd would be involved with....she just seemed too perfect and unrealistic as a character.

QUESTION of the DAY: Do you think Zach knew, during these scenes, about Todd's past with Carol? Sound off.


  1. Does anyone know Carol Swift's real name? I'd like to look her up because she seems familiar to me though I could simply be remembering her from this all those years ago I guess or maybe she just reminds me of someone. lol

    I know what you're talking about Kim...I remember catching on very quick that Carol *knew* Todd...I can't remember when exactly I figured it out when watching it originally but I know it was very quick...possibly before she even took the stand...I just had that, I could be wrong but I bet...kind of feeling.

    I absolutely love when Hank says "lets talk about what happened next" and Carol says "Phillip found the bathroom"'s so perfect...I can't help but giggle and the courtroom giggles a bit too...and it's nice because this was/is some heavy much going on and it's nice to have these little moments that lighten the mood for a moment without beeing hokey or trying too hard.

    All of the shots of Todd all the looks on his face...I'm not sure that they were regret for what he did...possibly regret for talking so loudly about it in front of everyone. But whatever it was it was really good...I mean it was just enough uh oh and just enough anger all pulled together with a sense of utter calm that all te thoughts and feelings are close enough to the surface to be slightly spotted but deep enough within to not give him away.

    I really like Rachel pulling Kevin away to keep him from getting into an arguement with Todd. Rachel knows how bad what Carol said sounded (how could it not) but it certainly wouldn't have been good for a fight to break out either.

    Todd: "for the last time you little whimp..." perfect line as Powell is a whimp! lol deffinitely some anger and perhaps just a hint of fear showing there in his face and eyes, but that instantly turns into smugness as he turns and swaggers past Hank.

    Nora is really good at making Carol look bad on her cross-exam and that "not so swift..." line is priceless.

    The looks on both Marty and Todd durring Carol's testimony are amazing...strong yet much going on with both of them.

    Oh my heart sinks for Marty when Hank calls her to the stand...I mean I'm sure she knew she'd be called, but one can only imagine the thoughts and feelings racing around inside her.

    Todd shouldn't have opened his mouth or stood up...doesn't help his case, nor does calling her a liar or commenting on how she's dressed now verses how she was dressed was a flipping party...heck I didn't see him wearing a suit that night! lol But, Nora does her best to get him to shut up and sit down and Marty's body language and her expressions are so good here...pain and hurt mixed with fear and worry all mixed with the dread of having to tell everything in front of a courtroom full of people.

    QOTD Answer: No, I don't. I don't think it would be a huge surprise to him, but I don't think he actually knew.

  2. @Precious - more good stuff. The bathroom line - I missed that in my commentary, another good part of the show, they knew how to make it realistic and add a joke or two here and there.

  3.'re right, and it's a natural thing to do because even in really hard times or heavy situations...while it might not always happen...someone usually says something funny either on purpose or very much unintentional but it helps a little to get a bit of a giggle.

    and they did it so well....not too often...nothing over kill just tiny little moments that added a lot.


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