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Monday, September 20, 2010

Clip of the Day (COTD) Sept. 20, 2010

Ah, now we're getting somewhere....! Court begins! Commentary below.

Love this has been full of excellent scenes over the years.

"Ok it's time for me to talk and you to listen."

"Whatever you say coach!" SMUG. The only word I can think of that really fits him right now. Our Todd is really in denial and....starting to show his colors more and more.

Todd always talks for everyone except Kevin. Love that. As soon as she asks something, Todd chimes in, the first to answer. I love Kevin's franticness. Powell is just a plain old wuss....never liked him, and can't like him now at all KNOWING the outcome.

"Don't get defensive" (Kevin's face) "or hostile." (Todd's face) LOL.

Todd mentions his father. "He's going to kill me...." and threatens to beat Powell to death. Powell knows it CAN happen as well.

I don't like this Sheila. Love the recast though. Love the courtroom relationship between Hank and Nora, and always have.

Look how everyone turns to look at Marty, and the camera moves in on Kevin's face. She's petrified, it's all over her expression. This is what is so important and effective about the stories then, small things mattered. Slight details were major ones and made the stories more real.

Oh dear, there is Suede. I can't say much about that one. At least Marty has someone to support her during this trial.

Peter Manning comes in, appearing too busy to care. He stops, and looks. Todd sees him and the first response is "Oh no." OMG TPTB knew what they were doing in a BIG WAY, even if by accident (LOL). The father signals Todd to move his hair back. Ok, now the answer I wanted all along. WHY have long hair??? Clearly, the father didn't approve, all the more reason to grow it longer and longer and never let go. GOTTA love the details. It also makes him completely DIFFERENT from Peter. Another small thing that can be made big with a little thought. "Didn't think he'd make it." Another insight into Peter and Todd's relationship.

Peter, the ultimate misogynist, shakes hands with Bo, and skips right over Viki. And then starts talking bad about Hank right off. "Affirmative Action tramp..." Right then, Viki realizes A LOT. You can see it on her face. And we start, even slightly, to also realize what our boy has been up against, though we haven't even touched the surface yet. Brilliant writing on the part of the staff at OLTL. Hope something like this rears its head when Mr. Howarth returns.

FAIL: Zach Rosen's parents. They're lifeless....both have bad hair, and also, sort of coddling...but, let's face it, we never get a CLUE as to why Zach does this and never sees remorse. Just because he's spoiled? I know there was a lot going on here with Powell, Kevin and Todd, but a little development on Zach would have been a support to the story.


  1. Well, I don't have much to say about the beginning as you already hit on the Smugness (it is the only word that can really explain him) of Todd.

    I can totally understand why Marty was confused about Kevin, but the tell for people like Nora that something was very different is that Todd did always talk to the other two...and it should have been clear that whatever happened (we knew but people like Nora didn't yet) Todd was in fact the leader.

    As for Powell I don't like him either...I think back then I was sort of ok with him since I figured all along he'd eventually crack, but I never really felt sorry for him like we were supposed to. Maybe if he was younger...some much younger guy who was in college with the other guys because he was an academic genius (though socially inept) who allowed himself to be talked into it by an older/stronger/cooler guy then maybe I would have been a little more likely to feel bad for him. That being said I think the actor did a good job with all the inner struggle and turmoil.

    I actually really liked this Sheila...not really sure why, but I did. lol And, like you...I loved Hank and Nora in the courtroom together!

    Kim, you are so right...Marty is truly petrified and it's written all over her face. And, the look from Kevin (my fav Kevin) is strong too...Kevin is hurt...he knows he didn't do anything to her and he's hurt that she's saying he did as they were becoming friends prior to this.

    I remember liking this judge, but I suppose I'll have more to say about her when we see more ov her.

    As for Peter's sooo true...they may not have been planning it, but some how they really did know what they were doing, because it all played so well (even if they may not have realize it). Now, it's a small and very quick motion, but he actually shook Vicki's hand before Bo's. But, you're right about him being a misogynistic person.

    I absolutely love the look shared between Vicki and Bo after Peter talk to her about how/why their kids were going to get off scott free. Which technically gives me the feeling that Peter always knew they'd done it and just didn't care because he felt they wouldn't be convicted. I think innocent people (or parents of children they think are innocent) usually tend to say something about how justice will serve and they will be cleared due to their innocence, or something similar anyway.

    Now for you FAIL...roflol you are sooo right! Zach's parents are aweful!

    But, the thing about Zach and the lack of development and remorse...I actually don't think that's a fail at all. I mean Zach is still alive so maybe he will return again someday and if he does who knows what will happen then, but at the time and even now watching these clips again after all these years...I don't see it as a fail at fact I think it was absolutely perfect in the sense that sometimes in real life people do horrible things and don't show remorse or even think they have a reason to feel remorse because they don't see where they've done anything wrong...murderers, rapist, abusers...I think sometimes these people just never understand and never get it because it never crosses their mind that they are not above their victim. But then again I'm not a shrink so I have no idea if I'm right in my assesment. lol

  2. @Precious - OH I LOVE your idea of Zach coming back and dealing with life...I'd love to see that....when RH is there of course.

  3. Of course...I know RH has to be there. lol Glad you like the idea...

    I think it could be done...bringing zach back, though I wouldn't expect him to stay long this time either. He could come back as a bad guy yet again or he could come back to try to put things together....either way I don't imagine he would last.

    I kind of like that even though they tried to redeem Powell and eventually Todd but that they didn't try with Zach....I just think some people who do bad things aren't able to be redeemed....but I guess I could be wrong about that.

  4. @Precious, I agree, the Zach thing would be short-lived. But it would be cool to see.

  5. I love love love this courtroom story.....I can't call it a scene because in real time it had to have lasted at least a couple of weeks!!!!! LOL Todd is the typical "I got the world by the balls and nothing can touch me" young jerk!!!!! LOL I love the way he tells Powell in one breath "if we go down I will personally beat you to death" and then in the next breath straightens Powells tie and gives him a little slap on the that scene!!!!! He was so deep into Powells head even this early on.....Powell didn't have a chance! And yes, everyone involved at OL had this Todd story down.....the minute Peter shows up in court, Todd's demeanor changes. And the way Peter is talking to Vicki and Bo.......Todd is definitely one of the apples that didn't fall far from the tree. We definitely know where he gets his hatred of women from and that "nothing can touch me" attitude. Zach is a strange one......I don't think he was non feeling, I think he got caught up in Todds wave and was just weak minded. He really felt that they would be OK because of Todd's influence. He knew they were wrong but never thought they would get caught. Then later on when they get convicted, Zach just kinda took it in stride and assumed they would all go down for 8 years and then move on....except Zach was the only one left behind in jail. When he came back a couple of year ago in the KAD redo, that is why he was so bitter.....he got stuck in the system and was really just along for the ride. ANyone else notice how much Bo and Kev look alike in this clip.....I love this Kevin too!!!!! The fun is just starting with this was like a 2 week long Law and Order.....only better!!!!!!

  6.'re right...the trial was amazing and it's been so long that it's hard to say for sure, but yea if memory serves me correctly I think it was a good 2 weeks...possibly even a lil longer (*shrug*) and yea...for sure better than Law & Order (which I've always liked lol)!

    I've seen some of your videos and finally subscribed to yourtube (lol) and it looks like I'm going to be commenting on your videos here at The Real Todd Manning every day for the rest of my life. lol But, I really wish I could come by videos of DVDs of the full eps back then...all uncut and stuff so I can see all Todd but also all the old Luna and Max, Bo & Nora, Cassie, Marty, etc, etc stuff that were also a part of this whole story (plus most of those people have been my favs at some point).

  7. @Precious, you probably can buy them somewhere. I know there is a guy who sells the GH ones.

    @Bjujubee - What actually happened with Zach in recent years?

  8. @Kim...I know you didn't ask me but I'm bored with just a mibute free, so I'll give it a shot. lol

    I believe he slithered into town wanting money from Todd. It was done durring the KAD serial killer thing. Zach showed up at some restaurant/bar type place and ate at the bar and charged his meal to Todd but left without a word. Anyway, Zach was sliking around Todd's house one night when Cole came over to tell Todd about Starr & her teacher so that Todd could go break it up. Well, Todd left and told Cole to lock up (as he was angry and wanted to go see the guy right away). When Todd left, Zach sliped in, and Cole recognized him as being one of the guys who raped his mom.

    I'm not sure exactly how it happened but Cole got knocked out and was out cold when Starr came looking for a piece of mail from the school that she didn't want Todd to see. Well, Zach talked to her nice for a minute...told her he was an old friend of her dad's and all and at first it seemed to her that he was ok, but then he started sceeving her out by the things he he was saying. Cole came to and hit Zach or tried to (I think) as he told Starr who the guy was and to get out...but of course it didn't work and bad started to go to worse...Cole texted a message to John with his phone hid behind his back and John and Marty ended up at Todd's with a rough idea what was going on and Todd showed up. Anyway, Zach was p***ed by the years he lost in jail and that he was the only one who really did the time, and that he was broke, etc so he wanted a bunch of money (Todd had turned him down when Zach showed up at the office). He tied Cole to a chair and I guess to get back at Todd he was intending to rape Starr so he brought her upstairs but john and Todd got in and got her out. John saved Todd as it appeared Zach was about to shoot him. Then it almost looked like Todd might repay John by shooting him but about that time the cops showed up and everything was ok.

    I think (though I could be wrong) that Zach was most likely carted off back to jail, but that doesn't mean he couldn't return someday cause I doubt he'll do nearly as much time for all that fiasko as he did for spring fling, and it's already been a little over a year since that happened I think.

  9. and by Todd you know meant Imposter Todd. lol

  10. @Precious - thanks...I needed that.


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