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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clip of the Day Sept. 21, 2010

First Day of Autumn....yay, I guess. See commentary for today's clip!

Ok. Sure you see it right away, Todd is SLOUCHING in his chair. Uh, hello? Doesn't someone tell him that his appearance is a bit off?? He's slumped down in the chair a bit and has a lax sort of expression. The others are sitting upright like they should be. Kevin rocks here with his simple mannerisms that display a lot.

Rachel is my favorite Rachel here. I loved this actress.

Hank and Nora are both great. This show rivals any of the courtroom dramas I've seen and it had our fave characters to boot.

Kevin is nervous, Powell looks shellshocked and Todd looks like he's watching TV. This ep does not have a great deal of Todd to comment on, but I will mention how he still is making his appearance matter with the way he even sits without speaking. Roger is the best, and if he ever comes by here and reads this...well...ROGER, GET BACK HERE!

OK sound off! Your turn!

FAIL: I would have liked to see Sheila be the one who also did Marty's rape kit. I would have preferred to see her testify on the stand. The two "experts" left a lot to be desired.


  1. This will likely be kind of a general comment...nothing too majorly picked apart...not a lot of Todd or Marty (though she is showed a lot and much could be said from her reactions) to really comment on, but here goes...

    Yea, there's really no way to ignore how layed back, un-worried Todd seems to be by the way he's slouching. I'm surprised one of the other guys (namely Kevin) or Nora didn't tell him to sit up.

    I love Hank and Nora..they really are amazing in the courtroom together.

    I have to pause for a moment to say...I always loved Cassie and hope they bring LK back long term.

    Roflol I do have to say you hit the nail on the head Kim...Todd does look like he's chillin out at the KAD house watching TV.

    Marty's reactions are so completely spot on throughout this whole clip. It's a true testament to how talented Ms. Haskell is. She never says a word, but much is being said through her facial expressions, her eyes, the way she shifts in her seat, etc. especially while Nora's giving her opening statement.

    There is no way you could possibly miss the sickeningly smug smile that slips across Todd's face when Nore says...the part about how Marty felt so guilty she tried to obsolve herself (or something like that) "by calling it rape" man in that moment he just *knows* no one will believe Marty and that he's home's written all over his face.

    I know it might be a small thing but I like how Cassie looks over at Marty while the detective is was a small moment but showed us a lot as she glanced over at her to make sure she was holding up ok.

    Does Sheila really not testify? Hmm that does seem like a fail to me, but then again if she really doesn't testify it may not have really been a fail. Hank was dating her at the time (wasn't he?) so he may not have been able to call her to the stand without Nora jumping all over it due to the personal relationship between him as Marty's lawyer and her as a witness for Marty?

    The possible fail I see is that Hank didn't re-examine the witness (the detective) so that he could ask her personal opinion about the emotional state of his client upon her first meeting with Marty. Nora would have objected I'm sure, but they could have fought it out and the judge may have allowed it.

  2. @Precious - I messed up, Sheila testifies later.

  3. @Kim, okay I know it was a long time ago, but I thought she did.

  4. @Precious - THANKS for the kindness, but I've watched the story a lot of times!!! You'd think I'd remember.


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