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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Clip of the day, Sept. 29, 2010

Another clip for us - featuring Marty's dream...or at least one of them, she has many along the way. Commentary follows! Enjoy, thanks to Juju!

Marty's dream is so's realistic, and at the same time, over the top like dreams are. Peter Manning in her face, Zach looks evil, Viki turns her back. Another thing that OLTL always did well, was dream sequences. I always enjoyed them...there's one where Marty is in Todd's dream, several where Rebecca shows up, a couple of others with Andrew in them.....OLTL pulled out all the stops to show us what characters were feeling and doing. Just the best period in OLTL history - 1980 to's a long run, but it was top, quality soap all the way.

Carol Swift takes the stand, Todd looks like he's going to crap his pants. LOVE that expression, sort of smug and sick at the same time. Now we're getting somewhere....!

FAIL: Andrew is not in the dream. He should have been there, and so should Suede, as part of the group that turns their backs on her. That would have really made it more powerful.

Sound off - whatcha think?


  1. I listen (as I watch) through head phones, and I'm not sure if it's just me or not but I was having trouble with the sound durring part of the dream sequence. I remember OLTL having a knack with dreams too. It's kind of good but creepy and very obviously a nightmare by the end of it. lol

    I loved Nora...I don't know why exactly but Nora sitting un the judges bench thingy and laughing, just really stuck me as being perfect.

    You have to feel bad for Marty. This dream is showing everything she hopes and fears in relation to the trial and Kevin's innocence. She wants to tell the truth as she now realizes that Kevin is innocent, but she's scared because she knows it wont look good for her if she admits she made a mistake about him. She misses Jess and Vicki and she's hoping that they will be thankful that she freed him and that they will except her back into the fold (so to speak) but then she's also afraid that everyone will turn their backs on her...that the people like Hank that faught for her will just give up and that the people she hopes will accept her again (Vicki, jess, Kevin, etc) will also turn their backs on her. So much fear and concern and wanting to do the right thing and knowing how badly it will look...she's really struggling with alot right now.

    As for the FAIL...I can see why you think they should have been in there, and I can certainly see how much stronger and more disturbing it would have made the dream, but...I think it's good that they weren' shows that she really does trust in them and believe in them, and that there is at least someone that she feels wont turn their back on her.

    Ah carol takes the stand...the interacting between the boyz is perfect...the look on Todd's face is absolutely priceless. Still a little sure of himself but you can also detect a little bit of fear...he knows what he did, and based on the look on his face you can see as cool and as calm as he's being certain to can almost invision little beads of sweat popping up under his collar as he hopes she doesn't say anything.

  2. @Precious, the reason I love your don't hesitate to disagree! I love it! Thanks for chiming in so much.

  3. @Kim...Thank you, I'm glad you like them. I'm also glad it doesn't bother you when I disagree. lol're welcome! I enjoy this alot! :)

  4. @Precious - you can't run a blog without being able to accept dissenting opinions....which is what I DISLIKE about a certain place we frequent outside of here.....

  5. @Kim...yea that's the one thing that isn't cool about that other places, however it seems for the most part they are cool with differring opinions when it comes to anything but Todd and who the real Todd is. lol

  6. @Precious - You are right the other places can't handle anything on the real Todd just the fake one. My theory on that is the people who carry that opinion for the most part have never seen RH in the role. Everytime someone starts a thread on RH returning it magically disapears.

  7. @Precious, I don't even see them cool with differing opinions! It seems as soon as there is a thread and the letters RH are up, it is gone.

    @Ellen, I noticed the same exact thing about disappearing posts.....I do think most have not seen RH in the role, or seen his whole story develop over time, as we have. I feel that's a huge part of this. I did watch the "execution" story and it was an exciting idea but not carried off well by you-know-who. Of course we DO KNOW it's not Todd, so.....

  8. @Kim - Could you imagine if RH was in the "execution" story? He would have been amazing! It would have been emmy material for him to say the least!

  9. @Ellen, the whole time I was watching that story, I was wishing it were RH. In fact, I shut it off in a few parts and fast forwarded to avoid it. Ugh.

  10. @Ellen...I totally agree with you...I think all the huge TSJ as Todd fans have not seen original Todd or at least not enough of him.

    P.S. I guess I need to see this executuion thing...I'm sure our Todd would have blown TSJ out of the water.

  11. @Kim - Wow! Same here. I fast forwarded through so much of that story. And i'm not knocking TSJ's acting, but once you are familiar with RH in the role of Todd there is absolutely no comparison.

    @Precious - It's for the best that you never saw the execution story.

  12. @Precious - I Second the motion, it's best you never saw it. It's going to end up NOT being part of his life anyway. *snicker*

    @Ellen - I hated that whole thing because I never could accept anyone as RH's child, Todd.

  13. @Kim - You mean Sam being TSJ's child and not RH's?

  14. @Ellen, no, I meant TODD being the CHILD of RH...something he birthed, no one can do over or better. That is what I meant! Couldn't stomach watching TSJ as Todd ever.

  15. LOL! I took you literally. Yes! I agree. RH birthed the role and is the role of Todd. Ever since TSJ took on the role I feel the loss and it never ended. I feel as if I never got over RH in the role of Todd and I could never move on from it.

  16. @Ellen, I never got over him either. That's precisely why the net is abuzz about this possibility.


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