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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Clip of the Day, September 28, 2010

Good morning! Another day is here....bringing us one step closer to the next Todd episode and possibly, the return of Roger...? Anyway, commentary to follow!

Poor Rachel. Even Sheila is squirming in her seat during this one. It seems a little over the top for a caring father. It's the details like this, about a supporting character to the story, that really made OLTL what it was. The courtroom is a-bustle and Judge Fitz can't even get them to order at one point!! The other DA asks him to let her continue. I really believe that any "Dad" would accept....

And we get a little slice of Peter again. This is the stuff I LOVE. We're getting to slowly, and very slowly I might add, find out just what makes Todd tick through the actions of those around him and himself. "Kind of a kick watching him tear that Rachel apart." I don't think there's another person in the court who thinks that after watching her breakdown, and that's the beauty of OLTL's writing during these stories. Perfectly planned out.

Joey feels sorry for Todd, we're starting to also in our own, unsuspecting way. It's probably even unnoticed the initial time you're watching that the story is building in you loathing and pity at the same time. This is what makes it work, and what is missing from today's Todd stories. I can't pity the Todd we've got now, he's not even Todd, for one, but he's deadpan, too comedic, and not remorseful - he's extremely shallow and too content with the way he is. The Real Todd was never shallow, regardless of how mean and tortured he was at times.

I like Bo's expressions throughout Peter's comments during this trial. Also, Peter and Asa both attack Nora, Bo says "Will you shut up, both of ya?" LOL! Peter Manning seems so self-interested already. "This is trouble," and walks away, not even checking on his kid.

There's an expression on Todd's face around 5:03. Roger already has created a loathsome, detestable just have to LOVE him, there's no way around it.

Rachel's amazing, Hank is amazing, Nora is amazing, Marty is amazing. Just look at her, when she is starting to realize how wrong she is about Kevin, she seems almost physically sick. Susan Haskell deserved all the praise and attention she got during these stories, as did the other players. This is why OLTL was so loved. These characters were FULLY FLESHED OUT. Not a skeleton of someone past, not a robot going through daytime sexy scenes, they were fully fleshed out human characters that we just had to watch. And just look at how many stories and characters are intertwined in this one storyline.

Do you pick up the realization Nora has in this clip? She SEES that Rachel is right. She believes Rachel's assessment and knows that Kevin is totally innocent. I love that moment.

Peter's chat with "the boyz" and Todd's smug smile....argh. There is no way you can't pick up the nuances here of what kind of life Todd may have had. And after watching these clips, I want to sing "We've Only Just Begun" where Todd is concerned.

FAIL: Sorry, Hank, but I have to put the fail on you again. The tearing into Rachel by her own father was not really necessary. Of course, probably in the eyes of OLTL, it was awesome drama. But in real life, no, it just was not realistic.

SOUND OFF all....whaddya think??


  1. okay well he does go a bit too far here. Poor Rachel! I love how upset Nora is by Hanks badgering...she's so frazzled you can barely hear her repeated objections.

    I really like the interaction between Marty, Suede, and Cassie...Cassie first says poor Hank (because it had to be hard on him too) and then Rachel because she looked over at her and obviously saw what kind of shape she was in. Then I feel so bad for Marty because she's obviously upset by Hank doing this to Rachel...especially now that she feels Kevin is actually innocent.

    Todd at 5:03 and again at 5:10ish is just's a bit of smug happiness, he knows that in just a few calm questions from Nora it's changed the light in which Hank's questioning had put him.

    There's no other way to say it except that SH is brilliantly amazing throughout this whole spring fling and trial storyline. She looks so completely sick as Rachel talks about how she knows Kevin couldn't have raped anyone...then she rushes out of the courtroom...everything was just so perfectly executed!

    Attention to detail...Carol is sitting in the perfect place to be able to catch her in the shot as Marty runs out and then to be able to see her as she turns back and looks at an unnoticing Hank.

    I love the looks from Nora as she knows that Rachel is telling the truth...and part of her in the moment feels like she's going to win the case because they've all been accused and if Kevin gets off they all will.

    I love the looks on Hanks face as we can kind of see the pain and hurt that he feels for having done the to his daughter.

    such amazing acting and writing, attention to detail, and so much wonderful TPTB could learn a thing or two by watching some of this stuff!

  2. @Precious, I wonder if they actually ever bother watching? If RH is returning, they may be.

  3. @Kim...I doubt it, but I sure hope they get a clue and start watching...people remember this time period because the acting was killer, the writing was amazing, and there was so much attention to detail!

    this show could blow them all out of the water...expecially if RH comes back....but it's going to take work, time, energy, and care. All of the actors that were around back then are still amazing, but they aren't given the storylines, scripts, screen time to shine anywhere near as brightly as they could.

    as for the new additions the best I see is Hannah...the girl that plays her I think is good and there again I see that she would likely shine way brighter if given stronger, more developed material.

  4. @Precious & Kim - I doubt TPTB watch also. If they did you would think they would realize that their ratings would go through the roof if they hired RH back. As it stands OLTL is usually last in the ratings week after week.

  5. @Ellen - what a good're right! The ratings would increase, especially if there is a good juicy story.

  6. @ellen...yea I doubt it to. If they did he'd be back and the storylines would be strong. and he'd be back. And, there would be better/more storylines for non-teens...and did I mention RH would be back? lol

    But, I do believe he will be back soon, so maybe they're trying to get their act together?

  7. @Precious & Kim - the way I look at it is that the higher ups on OL have to be out of their minds if they can't see that RH's return would boost their ratings by a huge margin. Yes Precious you did mention that he will be back and keep mentioning it because it gives me hope too!

  8. @Ellen, you know this is just about our crush, right? LOL

    No I must correct that and say that Roger is my "crush" - or more like obsession - because of his ACTING more than his looks (although they do help). His performances are what draws me to him. I especially love his FACE and how expressive it is, sometimes without even using words.

  9. @Kim - It's everything about him. His acting is the main thing for me too but his looks make loving him even more intense. I know when you and I first became friends on another site I mentioned the awards they have there that you were not familiar with. RH never wins for the best looking actor from ATWT nor best actor in these awards. Also, he has never won an emmy (not sure if he was ever nominated)for that show as well. I have never watched ATWT so I am not familiar with his work there. But I have always been surprised.

  10. @Ellen, I plan to watch the ATWT scenes but when I do, I get bored and switch back to Todd. LOL. I plan on doing it someday, just to see what's up. It's WAY beyond looks, you're right!

  11. @Kim - I shouldn't say I never watched ATWT. Like you I tried and got bored. I found that they have so many characters that I had to wait and wait for RH to even be on and then the storyline was still boring. So I gave up.

  12. @Ellen...I will continue to spread my positive view on this. lol Because I want you and all of our fellow hopefuls to stay strong and continue to keep your hopes up. :)

  13. @Ellen, I am laughing because I feel the same way. Can I ask if you've checked out the jukebox yet?

  14. @Precious - I love that you are keeping positive,it is truly inspirational!

    @Kim - I have checked out the jukebox a little. I haven't had time to go through alot of it but I will as time goes by.

  15. @Ellen, well, take your time, you have plenty of it as we go through Todd's adventures! I have 23 tracks on there now, and will be working on more as we go.


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