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Search The Real Todd Manning

Saturday, September 25, 2010

From S.O.C. Today . . .

My recent post:

RH is Todd, because he BIRTHED this character, and brought it to life, created a unique, original man that we can love so much and despise. He took us through a tumultuous ride that included hating him for all his nastiness and evil doings, to loving him for his pain and tortured soul. Roger was able to do that because of his talent. Of course, there are lots of talented actors out there, but Roger's portrayal of Todd was unique and unparalleled. Every nuance of every feeling was on his face, in his stance, in his body, in his eyes and transposed flawlessly to the screen. He was VULNERABLE in a way that helped us see past the evil and into the brutalized psyche to catch a glimpse of hope.

He was dark. Todd IS to be DARK. He was an abused person who became an abuser. What person who commits gang rape, then attempts to stalk his victim, attempt rape again, threaten and torment his ex-lawyer and do a host of other nasty things is NOT DARK???? That's not a light-hearted character, or a romantic leading man. He was meant to be dark. When you watch him, you are afraid to ever have had to MEET "Todd" in real life, but can't resist watching and loving him on screen.

Again, this is not the fault of anyone but TPTB. This role should have never been recast. Can you imagine Viki, Erika, Laura, Robert Scorpio or Luke being recast? Roger is in that realm. He created something no other soap had. He is a phenom. And that's very hard to redo. ABC is fortunate enough to have created some of the most culturally-permeating characters that ever came from soaps.

So, my choice is clearly RH....he's beyond explanation in this role. From his hateful start, his breaking down admitting guilt to Marty, his love with Blair and "rise to the top", to the infamous "belt scene," his relating his torture and abuse to Tea, his talks with Sam in the Cabana, his DID story (masterfully played), and his comedic edge (think later Todd, being Viki and her alters), RH is irreplaceable. Those who love OLTL would consider this possible return a way of just making the show better and enhancing the performances of the characters we already love.


  1. BRAVO!!!! I absolutely love everything you've said! Very, very well said! :)

  2. ITA-Todd should have never been recasted-the character is in the same league as Luke Spencer

  3. yea, I don't think he should have been recasted either!

    I guess they thought they could get away with it, but they were wrong, but this todd is so different an imposter storyline would not be far fetched at all. lol

  4. @Rock - yes, I thought I included that in my post, let me see, oh yes, Luke, Laura, Viki, Erika, Robert Scorpio, Todd Manning (it's a bit tainted now because of TSJ, but in time, that will fade).

    @Precious - I have a thread about story ideas for RH's return. Have at it!

  5. Beautifully said! And so true! In my heart I have never gotten over RH as Todd. Some characters should not be recasted. TSJ is a good actor but he should have played a different character. When I watch his portrayal of Todd I am always thinking that I could like him as someone else and he always seems like someone else to me.

  6. @Ellen -I think all of us, who love Roger's Todd, feel the same way. It's not that I HATE TSJ, it's more like a new character or someone different. I dislike his deadpan delivery, but as another character, he might be a good romantic leading man. He's not TODD though. Thanks for your compliment!


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