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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Clip of the Day - Sept. 26, 2010

Today's clip includes Rachel's testimony and the rest of Emily's. Commentary follows below.

Nora rips Emily apart here. She completely falters when Nora sinks her teeth her little air head. LOL.

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE when Marty first vocalizes that she made a mistake about something in the trial. I remember how I felt when she said it at she was questioning the whole thing, but knew, as far as soaps go, the big reveal is usually LESS POTENT than you think it is. And there is Peter Manning, in all his glory, laughing with Todd at Emily being "ripped apart" - "her testimony that is."

Kevin: What about Marty?
Todd: What about her? (SO SMUG - the beginnings of a multi-layered, fantastic character)

Rachel is a hostile witness. Poor thing. Loved this actress, have I mentioned that? Hank is really tough with her. Now the LOOK shared between Todd and Kevin during her testimony....priceless. That Todd made "advances" toward Rachel, Kevin's girl. Whooo! Todd's off to a bad start with Kevin from this day on. At one point, Todd almost looks disgusted to hear about himself from Rachel....and when she says he doesn't take no for an answer, I love the buzz in the courtroom and Todd's look. Peter Manning is seething during this. Of course, he created the man that is on trial, but we won't go there right now.

Of course, tune in tomorrow to see the remainder of her testimony and the fallout.

FAIL: Suede's SKINNY tie. Ugh. The expression on pre-Nathan Joey's face before Rachel is called (DUH). Hank, a father, scheming to break his daughter on the Not so great.

Question of the Day - what did you think of Kevin and Rachel's relationship?


  1. AlexElizabeth10/5/10, 10:09 PM

    Suede in general is a huge FAIL, not just his tie, LOL!

  2. @AlexE - yep! I know! Everytime I watch the eps, I laugh at everything he does. He sure can ruin a moment. I SO WISH that Jason Webb was the one, not Suede, to woo Marty.

  3. @ALexE, oh and welcome!!! Click avatars in site cloud and.... :D

  4. hmmm I thought I'd already commented on this one, but I guess not. lol

    anyway, I really don't have a lot to say about the first half. Nora was really good at her job as per usual, but I felt bad for Emily getting ripped to shreads on the stand because she really did believe Marty and didn't want to put her in a bad light.

    I really liked the part between Suede and Marty when she told him she was afraid she'd made a terrible mistake. I remember being so happy that she was finally starting to realize that, but felt so bad for her because I knew...and she knew...and I knew that she knew, that if...when she came forward it wouldn't look good for her. I totally understood how she made the mistake though so I never blamed her for having made the mistake of naming him too. (after all this time I still pretty much view it all the same as I did then).

    grrr Todd, Peter, and Zach...may I slap them all now? lol so smug and sure of themselves! I like when kevin asks "what about Marty?" he may not be happy that he's on trial for something he didn't do (who would? lol), and he may not want to believe his frat brothers (one of which was his cousin) did all this to Marty, but we know that deep down he believes that they did and we can easily see that he cares about her.

    Now, quick question...anyone know who played Carol Swift? I have either seen her somewhere else or she sure reminds me of someone, but I can't quite place it.

    I really like the way Kevin look at Todd when Rachel's talking about Todd coming on to her...and I love that stoney stare that Todd gives him...not at all worried or appologetic, just a stoney glare.

    I also like the slow blink Todd has when Rachel says he's not the kind of guy who takes no for an's a very short moment where we get the tiniest glimpse of him feeling momentarily like he's been socked with a true statement but it's so quick, so small...for us the viewers but not for those in the courtroom to notice because he stayed completely calm, held it together and didn't really let it show except for that tiniest of a split second.

    I also love the buzz in the courtroom that was caused by what Rachel said and you're right Kim...Peter is totally seething!

    QOTD Answer: I kind of liked Kevin and Rachel together.

  5. @Precious - Peter is a PIECE of WORK. No other way to describe him. The scenes during Todd's jail tenure that involved him just make you ache for Todd....

  6. @Kim - Oh, how I remember aching for Todd back then! Only RH's acting could make viewers ache for a rapist.

  7. @ellen, back then? I'm aching now. I have a HUGE CRUSH on him right now....bigger than a crush a SMOOSH or something. I love him more now than I did then. And boy are you right, only RH can make viewers love a bad nut like this one.

  8. @Kim - I'm with you. I have a crush on him now and I did back then. And yes, it is stronger now. The only other character on daytime that I have had a continous crush on besides Todd is Jason on GH. Other crushes come and go.

  9. @Ellen - I like Jason, but with Robin....but my two soap crushes that have maintained the tests of time are Roger and Ian Buchanan (ex-Duke, GH). :D Roger, right now, is my total obsession!


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