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Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Birthday, Roger!

Roger was born on Sept. 13, 1968.

In honor of this, I am offering regular posters/blog followers an avatar...! Be sure to specify your name.

Click one to request one (will be very similar to these):

I can also make something like this, it's animated and scrolls through 7 faces of Todd with The Real Todd Manning across the top, and your name at bottom:

If interested, click it. It may not be exactly like this - you can even specify the faces you want... to view it in action, click HERE.


  1. I want one with... Zorro!

    Sorry. :D

  2. @Sonja - let me work on that, I MAY be able to come up with something but it won't be immediate, more like the weekend....!

  3. Really?! I can wait my whole life for Zorro. <3

  4. @Sonja - your whole life? Now come on.....I meant maybe until the weekend???? I can't go a DAY without seeing RH on YT.

  5. Ha! I only mean to say, Zorro is worth the wait. :)

  6. @Sonja - OH YES I KNOW. I am going to work on something where I take stills of vids. I've never done it but I am going to try it. I will make Zorro my first stop.

  7. can be done pretty screen caps. I've done it before, but I think it works a little different between PC and Mac...then open or paste into whatever graphics program you use (I sadly don't have access to one anymore not that I was ever any good at it anyway lol) and crop the photo out because the screen cap will catch everything on the screen.

  8. @Precious - I have a special editing program....we'll see how I do. The thing I am worried about is the clarity (or lack thereof) of the vids. We'll see!

  9. @Kim...yea, I know what you mean...I would imagine that it will be a big problem on some of the videos. But, I think some of the videos should work...and if you're only looking to make avitars with then I think you have a good chance of getting more usable ones than you think. :)

  10. @Precious, I hope so. I'll check it out this weekend.


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