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Monday, September 13, 2010

Clip of the Day 9/13/10

Time to get started! Here's the first in Bjujubee's story of Todd Manning. Comment on your favorite moments in this clip, Roger's Work, the storyline, wishes for the future, etc! This one is WAY BACK when he was FRAT BOY!!


  1. Ok, where to begin with this. It's sort of when he was still a bit 2-dimensional, but you can start to see why he got so much attention.

    Susan of course is OUTSTANDING throughout the Spring Fling and aftermath. She's an awesome actress also.

    What amazes me is HOW YOUNG he is....and how OLD he seems only 1-2 years later!!! It's weird and outstanding at the same time. He AGES so much over the time he is here as Frat Boy - to when he is doing the "Monster" scene (previous Clip Of The Day).

    "I'm invincible...nothing's ever going to get in my way." That's a far cry from what he was feeling most of the time we knew him!

    "What happened with Marty was no big deal." Possibly, because something similar happened to him, and he's alive and kicking...who knows.

    It amazes me what Roger does to a scene. He makes it his own, even when up against two "main characters," Kevin and Powell....the latter of which was supposed to be the redeemed character and become long-term. the way, I LOVE this Kevin the best. Always did.

    FAIL: Viki's scarf!! LOL! It's so out of character.

    Sound off as to what YOU THINK!!!

  2. What's interesting to me is that Todd Manning hadn't really been developed (or even conceived past this storyline), yet I can look back to this (knowing what's in store), and it still makes sense. It all works with what we later learn about Todd's past and psyche.

  3. @Sonja - yes, you're so right. And think of it as expert writing!!! Awesome!

  4. @Kim I like your Fail concept! I'll try one:
    Fail: Todd's white gym shoes and that jacket!
    Is Jesse adorable or what?! I miss ET!

  5. @rockwello - LOL...I hated the way they dressed him in Frat Boy days! I LOVED how he was dressed during Blair part 1, though.

  6. Okay, well this COTD was next on my agenda anyway, as I am trying to get caught up on my comments. lol But, you got me thinking of Marty at the beginning of this when I was answering the Question of the Day on todays clip...I had watched this video the other day (thought I'd already commented) and that scene really sticks out!

    So, I thought I'd comment on the beginning part with her then I'll do a seperate comment on the rest of the video...

    I probably wont be getting as indepth with Marty in most of the videos as this is Todd's place and plus most (I think) of the early Marty aftermath stuff has been cut out...which is probably a good thing because if I was going indepth on both Todd and Marty on every video I'd likely be living here at The Real Todd Manning. lol But anyway here goes...

    The first thing that strikes me is the sound Marty makes when she first lays on the couch...we all know the pain she's in psychologically but in that moment we're aware of the physical pain.

    The next thing that is so very strong is around the 30 second mark...she has a memory flash of the night before when Todd (I think?) covered her, and the pain and fear...her reaction and her need to get away from the blanket she'd covered herself makes me think of a wild animal that's be traped...the pain and the fear causes her to fight and struggle to get away from the get away from anything and everything...only the it's a horror she can't get away from because the memory comes at her in flashes...memories that will be with her (though hopefully not as close to the surface)forever...anyway I truely think there's a real reason why this story goes down in the soap history books...and the 2 main reasons for that are Susan Haskell and Roger Howarth...they are two very strong and amazing actors

  7. Todd's voice here is so smooth...he is not effected at all by what they did and doesn't see any reason why anyone would be.

    Then there's the thing about his grade being changed...things like this are just icing on the cake to him...proof in his mind that he's above any real trouble...that whatever comes his way can easily be gotten out of. I think that's just another reason why he's always so cool about everything...he may get upset with Powell because he thinks he'll crack and they'll all get into trouble, but he also thinks there's nothing to worry about because trouble doesn't stick with him, plus of course he doesn't really think they did anything wrong.

    I don't know why, but I love the way he moves that bottle of catchup! lol And, I just had to say that. haha

    and I think the last thing I have to say is that Jess was so sweet back then...I miss Erin as Jess.


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