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Search The Real Todd Manning

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hmm....even Yahoo Answers???

Someone actually posted "Is Roger Howarth returning to OLTL" on Yahoo Answers! LOL!

Take a peek below if you like:

Yahoo Answers?


  1. Tired of the "recast made Todd his own." Yes, he made him his own....boring! LOL

  2. Totally agree......the recast didn't make Todd his own......he made a whole new character because he definitely isn't Todd to me, never has been and never will be!

  3. @rockwello and Bjujubee - OMG I couldn't have said it better than you guys here. Trevor created something new, piggybacking off the popularity of Roger's character.

  4. @everyone that's commented above me. lol

    I can't stand all the "TSJ made it his own" comments either! It's true that he made it his own as any actor has to do when taking on a role...whether it's been done by another actor previously or not, but what TSJ didn't do...which is something that's also very important...he didn't stay true to the character.

  5. @Precious - HE DID make it his own, that's the trouble.

  6. The "TSJ made Todd his own" line feels like a bad cliche at this point.

    @Precious. You said it perfectly. Every recast makes his/her character his/her own. That doesn't mean everyone is right for every part.

  7. It's also the WRITING that destroyed the character of Todd, but when I think of the few scenes I've been able to remember after 2003, and imagine RH in them, I still think he would have done lightyears better. However, the Marty and Todd thing makes me ill. Todd never would have done what was done to her, in a million years after all of their history.


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