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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We Love Soaps: Rumor Alert: Is Roger Howarth Coming Back To ONE L...

We Love Soaps: Rumor Alert: Is Roger Howarth Coming Back To ONE L...: "The rumors about Roger Howarth's alleged return to ONE LIFE TO LIVE are circulating fast and furious.  Is he coming back? Is he really Todd?..."

Another rumor page...!


  1. Well, I read the story and the comments, and I have to say that in my opinion the best was the newest comment (at the bottom) from Char (I think)...I agree most with her comment as some of the things she said were things I have been thinking too and intended on making mention of it in my soapcentral blog once I get it started (lol).

    I 100% admire Roger for putting his foot down...for seeing his character (Real Todd)for who and what he was...

    I don't know too much about the whole Luke & Laura thing...I mean I know he raped her and that they later became a big super couple...I didn't watch any of that stuff (I may look it up on youtube to have a comparison), but what I do know...even without ever having seen it is that while Luke did a horrible thing when he raped couldn't possibly have come anywhere even close to what Todd did when he became the ring leader of a gang rape.

    anyway, with what he did (as Todd) and with the everlasting effects that he saw in the character of Marty as a result...I think Roger was right for saying he didn't think his character should be taken into a leading romantic type position...I think it's really awesome that this all bothered him and he stuck to staying true to the character because I can see where some young actors would have just eaten up the attention and been thrilled with himself that women thought he was a result those other guys would have jumped at the chance to step into the role of romantic lead, but RH just couldn't allow that on his watch and that's awesome.

    now, all that being said I do think that since 7 years have past (since his last screen time as Todd) and since another face (TSJ) has been on screen for these past 7 years...I think it would make it easier for him to step back in. That being said, I do hope he makes them get back to writing Todd more like Todd. lol

    well I know I rambled. I'm kind of tired and less zoned in (at the moment) to what I'm saying, so I hope I made at least some sense. lol

  2.'ve said a lot. I've always admired Roger's attitude regarding Todd. I really appreciate that kind of dedication to craft and to what's right. I am hoping if Todd returns, the writers don't mess it up. Sheesh. The current Todd is more like a leading man type. The Real Todd is definitely a quirky, emotionally-compromised individual who just happens to be the sexiest man on earth.


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