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Friday, September 17, 2010

Return News

"One Life To Live, ABC — Are two Todds better than one?
• Maybe the rumours are true! Soap Opera Network maintains that Emmy winner Roger Howarth will be returning to One Rapist Too Many. This past week, a source close to Roger Howarth agrees, telling Suds Report that the Emmy winner “is definitely coming back. Not sure when or how but he’s coming back as far as I know.” I have no insider intel, so I have no idea what to believe. Especially after Soap Opera Digest columnist Carolyn Hinsey recently posted on Facebook that two ex-World Turns stars are joining ABC — one is a recast for AMC and the other is a new character for One Life."

This from TV Guide


  1. @Sonja, I KNOW. I cannot believe it...and I am so happy. TV Guide is pretty reputable. Hope so much it's as TODD. I don't want him as some twin. Gag.

  2. Has everyone called OLTL to express their approval of and thoughts concerning RH's return? :)

  3. @Sonja
    Yes! Call/write/send emails to TPTB about RH's return!

  4. This post if from TV Guide Canada's Nelson Branco.....who happens to be a HUGE fan of TSJ, so for him to do some digging and come up with this news and for him to print it.......first of all it had to kill him and second of all it must sound pretty solid for him to jump on the RH returns bandwagon!!!!!! Yipee for us......another confirmation that it will happen!!!!!!!

  5. you just made it sound even better than I already thought it was! :)

  6. have REALLY helped me see how important that teeny passage is. YES! Roger! We love you, hurry back. As Todd please, complete with long hair and goatee.

  7. @Kim and with his scar please!

  8. OMG how can I forget!!! OMG!!! The SCAR. Much needed.


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