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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Clip of the Day, Sept. 18, 2010

Today's clip....thanks to bjujubee! Commentary follows, as always!

Kevin gives Nora a look that says, to me, don't defend these guys along with me. I might be interpreting that wrong, but if I were Kevin, I would have definitely not wanted my lawyer to defend the other two....Powell, of course, is a cousin, a big, fat excuse that leads to his eventual "redemption" and then downfall. Yay.

"Let me explain the facts of life to you, Velour, Velvet...what's your name?" Roger's delivery on his lines is always noteworthy. As for Todd, he just knows TOO MUCH ALREADY about how to avoid trouble with the cops....Powell throws the sweatband.....LOL. Todd's the brains in this bunch, I'll tell ya.

"I never strong-armed a woman into sleeping with me, I never had to." Even though he's despicable in this story, he'd never have to strong arm me to do anything, especially when we get out of the Frat Boy era! I even love jailbird Todd. I love ALL of the Todd's but my least fave is probably Frat Boy.

When Powell makes that final lie to Kevin about the rape, I love how they show Todd behind him, and the slight reaction on his face shows a lot. Roger's got that amazing talent to convey so much with his face and eyes, sometimes not even needing words.

FAIL: The police in this scene always made me angry....! "We're leaving now, we will be back, don't touch anything." They leave a crime scene totally unsealed???....ugh. So ridiculous. ARGH. "You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions...." Huh? That kind of stuff defies suspension of belief. And Suede defies suspension of belief in the acting area; hard to believe he is one. UGH and DOUBLE UGH.

Whaddya think?? Sound off, we're waiting for your thoughts and comments!!


  1. well, I wanted to go in order, but this is at the top of the page, so I guess I will start here. lol

    Anyway, I'll post my actual comment in a minute after i watch the video a little better, but I saw what you said and wanted to say...I could give the miranda rights better than that! I've seen it done in movies enough. lol

  2. Every time I watch these early clips, it so evident to me that Todd is THE MAN!! Physically and mentally......he is SO much bigger than Zach and Kevin and everytime he talks to them, the get right up on them and has this great way of just looking DOWN at them.....he sucks their air out of the room until they choke! And even though Powell is about the same height, RH does that great thing with Todd that makes him larger than life and he can even look down at Powell......again love the Alpha Dog thing! I also love the look he gives Nora at the end of the scene where she says to stay away from Marty.....he gives that "shitass" grin, that only Todd does so well! The guy had SERIOUS demons here!!!!!

    As far as the cops......they were pretty comical "we're leaving, don't touch a thing"!!!! LOL And Suede Pruitt belongs on Dukes of Hazard not this story!!!! What an idiot! LOL

    On another shallow much as I don't like alot of the "fratboy" wardrobe or the white socks......I gotta say I do love Todd/RH in JEANS!!!!!!! Even the 1990's jeans.......the man wears the heck out of them!

  3. okay well, for starters that look from Kevin is perfect...even though to some extent I think he truly wanted to believe them over Marty, and kind of did for a the same time he knew he didn't want to be grouped with the other three because deep down (even if he didn't want to admit it to himself yet) he knew that they were guilty.

    "I think we can get out of it...there's nothing Marty can say to make this rape chare stick"...he seems so completely uninterested and not even a little worried which says a lot about how he thinks and feels. Because, as we all's a long time before he even begins to realize what he really did that night and how much they hurt Marty.

    Oh my gosh I love Todd's line about Suede's's so perfectly delivered that I can't help but giggle! lol

    **side note** I would have really liked to have seen that scene between Vicki and Jessica, because even though everything was involving 2 family members at this point...Jessica and Marty had been good friends. (a friendship I enjoyed watching back then).

    okay, I think they did an amazingly good job with this storyline, the trial, everything...but I have to say, this whole "now, we're gonna be back to finish this search, so don't touch anything" line is soo stupid...I mean I've never been around cops in real life but it doesn't make much sense the leave 3 rape suspects alone at the scene of the crime before it's been fully searched! lol

    I think it tells alot when he delivers the "never strong armed" line so casually...we know he's done it least once (though the may have not decided that part yet), but there's no twing of even a momentary pause, because as he sees it...he's truly done nothing wrong at all.

    well i think that's about all I have to say except...earlier in the scene when Todd holds up the sweatband and zach said (with a bit of a laugh) "oh man, is this what we shut her up with?" and Todd laughs as he says "yea" eww that scene is pretty bad...I mean neither one of them care even a little bit about what they bad but...but was done so well!

  4. @Bjujubee - I love Roger in ANY CLOTHING they gave him, even the ugly stuff, plain t-shirts, white socks with everything....some of the crumby clothes they gave him during the hospital parole time - all the way to the way he dressed when he ran the sun. I used to LOVE the vests and the shirts and suits....he was so gorgeous....all the time. I especially loved a white or off-white silk shirt without a collar with dark suit pants. Hmm. Roger is so fortunate to be SO hot and gorgeous but SO entirely talented at the same time.

  5. @Precious - all good points, similar to some of mine. I love how you picked out that sweatband line....very telling about the state of mind of Todd and Zach. No remorse. Weird note: Zach NEVER had any. Todd did, later, Zach = NEVER.

  6. @Kim~I think that's because...Todd had a lot of things going on in his life and he had a lot going on in his head...he had a past that in no way excuses what he did nor does it in any way lessen the severity of what he did, but may have psychologically may have contributed at least to some extent to what he he was always in Llanview (well mostly) and was faced with Marty a eventually had to admit to himself (which he had to accept it before he could really have remorse)....and Powell showed remorse pretty much all along but *he* also always understood what they had done.

    Zach was a different kind of beast all together...I mean not that the excuses or anything actually excuse (not even in the slightest) what they did, but...

    Todd did have a history with Marty which is kind of ultimately part of what caused him to do what he did...and Powell we know only did it because he was talked into it...but Zach...there was never a reason why he did what he did (and I'll probably repeat this in another clip) but...I think the reason they never gave us a reason is because there wasn't one.....yea he had a lot going for him as a pre-med student, but...he didn't have a history and he wasn't talked into it...he probably went up to the room to tease Marty and stuff (typical jurk behavior) and when it all went where it did...he didn't think about it or care (thus no remorse) he just went along for the ride and enjoyed it and never actually even understood that he was wrong.

    I don't know if that made sense at all as I think I may have just rambled, but I'll try to put it better in the other COTD vid when you mentioned Zach.

  7. @Precious - I alluded to the very same thing about Zach in an earlier post on one of the COTDs. Zach never had a reason, a force behind it, nothing. Todd's wrong, but we come to understand why.


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