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Search The Real Todd Manning

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another reason for RH to come to OLTL again . . .

"Todd continues to react to these traumatic situations with all the energy of a man on hold with his cable company, which tends to lessen my own sense of urgency as a viewer. While I think Trevor St. John and Kelley Missal have an intense rapport, she's bringing a lot more fire to their scenes, especially when Dani briefly believed Todd had murdered Ross. Maybe it's the writing bringing Todd down, but even when he's in action, he seems passive. And as this whole bonkers Eli/Ross/Teens On The Run storyline has consumed his entire family and supporting cast, all I can do is wait it out and hope for something that better utilizes his, Missal's, Lozano's, DePaiva's, and others' talents next. It's not a good storyline when half the cast has to be either helpless or clueless before the might of an improbable villain, particularly one who improbably turned evil despite positive fan reception..."

From Two Scoops Commentary at SOC


  1. roflol...I think this...

    "Todd continues to react to these traumatic situations with all the energy of a man on hold with his cable company"

    pretty much sums up TSJ's fake oh I suppose the PC thing to say is the Imposter Todd. lol

  2. That is HILARIOUS. I love it. Thanks to SOC and thanks to RH for causing it to happen.

  3. The two scoops columist is right on. I bet he or she gets alot of angry mail from TSJ lovers over this.

  4. @Ellen...I bet he or she gets a lot of angry not so fan mail too. lol But, he/she was sooo right in what they said.

  5. I am sure that TSJ gets hate mail also....especially at the beginning of his tenure. I know RH gets ALL LOVE

  6. @Kim...Yea, I bet he got a LOT of bad mail at the beginning.

  7. That 2 scoops article it tooooooo funny!!!!!!! But what the writers says in this article is what I have thought since TSJ showed up on the scene!!!!! LOL It's not a recent discovery that the guy shows no emotion....he never has, and he SUPPOSEDLY plays fricken TOdd Manning.....the most emotional character I know!!!!!!!! TSJ just does not "understand" Todd Manning at all and that is the problem. He came into OL thinking "the OTHER guy left and now Im here and I will do my own thing"........of course the guy has now clue. From his own interviews TSJ says he plays Todd as a spoiled rich brat and lets the audience decided what TOdd is feeling!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!! No wonder we get nothing from this guy, and now even more people are turning on him. Maybe he could pull off some other role but he can never be Todd Manning.......he doesn't have the acting balls for it IMO!!!!!!!!

  8. just totally put the cherry on the top of my night. lol I absolutely love everything you've said....especially....

    " From his own interviews TSJ says he plays Todd as a spoiled rich brat and lets the audience decided what TOdd is feeling!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!"

    That is too funny and yet so sad at the same time!

  9. @Bjuju - I never knew TSJ said that. That is funny because that is how I interpret him in this role as a spoiled, rich, brat. He obviously did no research on the history of the character that he was supposedly taking over.

  10. @ellenbay.........yeah this is his own disgusting words!!!!! LOL And in his own admission, he never did do any research on the character, he didn't want to be like RH.......he said "he was then, Im here now" that is why we have what we have!!!!! LOL It's easy to see he never research his character......his ego is tooooo big, wanted to make TODD his own. That poor misguided man!!!!! But in his defense, all the people around him didn't help him out either when he took over, I think many were bitter about RH leaving so they were ready to SHOW RH they didn't need him!!!!!!! LOL If you ever want to see a funny the 2003 emmy's and watch the clip of KDP and TSJ presenting and they show a shot of RH face in the audience when they walk's too funny!!!!!! KDP looks like she wants to crawl in a hole!!!!!!!! LOL

  11. @Bjuju...dang I have got to look up that video clip! That sounds awesome! haha

    I understand if he was wanting to not try to mimic RH as he would have come off like a cheap imitation, however he broke the cardinal must always stay true to the character... especially if taking over such an already established character. but anyway it totally explains what we've been seeing on screen.

  12. @Bjuju - hi, and glad to see you! I love your posts, lots of inside info about TSJ and the whole fiasco. The more I think of it, the more likely it is that if RH does return, it will be as Todd, hands down. What do you all think?

    @Precious, I agree. You don't have to be like RH, but let's face it, you are SUPPOSED to be Todd - so mannerisms will still be makes no sense, and they have different eyes and voices. Not good.

  13. @Bjuju - Wow! What an arogant man. Although I have never liked TSJ as Todd I have given him the benefit of the doubt as a decent actor. After learning from you what he said I have lost any respect for him that I might have had. I will look for that clip. I watch the emmy's every year but don't recall that. I remember one year when Soap Net would have a pre-emmy show and talk with some of the actors and actresses, they talked with RH. The emmy's were in CA. that year and it was very hot. RH was so unbelievably nice. He was there with his daughter and was so down to earth. He told them and i'm not quoting...something like he was having a great time because his daughter had been swiimming at the hotel and she was having a great time. More proof of what an amazing actor RH is. So nice in real life and can be so tortured and cruel on screen. Whereas TSJ seems to be arogant on and off screen.

  14. @Ellen, I think you've got it now, baby! This is exactly what fans of the show and RH think....Sigh. I wish he'd come back and give that show a run for its money!


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