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Search The Real Todd Manning

Monday, October 11, 2010

Clip of the Day, October 11, 2010

More video drama for us thanks to juju. Todd is going to start getting REALLY NASTY. Commentary follows.

Todd just plays it ULTRA COOL. He's debonair, handsome and ... nasty as pig crap. I can't believe how a young actor like this can make us swoon and show disgust in the same week. He does this to me all the time, sometimes he even disgusts me and makes me love him in the same SCENE...and the same SENTENCE. It's that acting prowess that very few have. Roger is my favorite actor of all time. Here, he's absolutely HANDSOME and malevolent at the same time. He just puts it all back on Marty and it's deplorable and intriguing at the same time. Love Roger's work as Todd from day one to the last moment.

"Intimate." The way he says it, is almost dreamy. It makes me feel like jumping on him...! He's hateful and attractive, he's mean and gorgeous, he's pained and stoic....AH! What a draw.

Beware. He gets nastier in the next clip.

FAIL: Nothing. RH is on the screen most of the time.

Sound off!

1 comment:

  1. These are the scenes they used when RH won his Emmy that year.....and it is so easy to see why the academy gave him the award! The whole scene is emmy worthy....the feel of the courtroom, the way Marty just wants to throw up in her mouth, the looks on Powell and even Zachs face like they can't believe how "good" this guy is at what he does......Judge Fitzwater is always great.....and then there is THE MAN! You nailed it with the emotions I feel about him's like you almost feel dirty letting yourself be drawn in by this piece of slime but how can you not be!!!!!! LOL RH is perfection in this scene.....everything I love about Todd and hate about him is wrapped up in a pretty package when he is on the stand. One thing that stood out to me was his description of his and Marty's relationship....."when we're together sparks fly" LOL Well he nailed that one.....he did describe Todd and Marty pretty well and that nasty "thing" they always have in scenes together! Another thing I thought when he said "if I could do it all over again, I would have stayed" (when he was talking about their nite together).....that threw my mind to the Todd and Marty scene those years later in front of the fire at her house when they were "civilly" talking about that nite....really struck my how that relationship had made strides.

    Can't wait to see the next part of this only gets better!!!!!


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