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Friday, October 1, 2010

Clip of the Day, Oct. 1, 2010

Well, here we are in that blissful month, October. I really do love Autumn. Today, we're seeing the clip of Marty's testimony in the trial. Commentary follows...let's hear from you!

Every time I see this, I realize more and more two things. How wonderful an actress Susan is (just outstanding at such a young age, like Roger) and how underused and ridiculous her character is now. She expresses a huge amount of emotions in just simple facial expressions and voice intonations....again, like Roger. Though I see him as OLTL's best actor ever, I see Susan as up there on the rating scale as well.

As she does her play by play of the events, you can see the courtroom start to take her very seriously. OLTL pays such attention to detail here - Kevin looks at Todd with disgust (and believes Marty), Suede looks like he ate something bad, Hank is having a terrible time questioning her (trying to be careful), Todd is slouching again....even Viki seems to believe her! And how couldn't you? Susan gives one of the most heartwrenching, believable performances I have ever seen.

FAIL: The expressions on the faces of the jury. Uh, are you alive? Some of them appear dead. There is little reaction among them as they see this woman break down. Eh, not so hot on the extras, because they had SO MANY of the best actors and actresses!

Question of the Day: If you were Kevin's mother, Viki, what would you have done after this testimony?


  1. If I could only use one word to describe this clips I guess I'd have to say WOW, or if I was given two words they would be BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE.

    I don't really feel like going through this one step by step to comment on everything quite like I normally do. Perhaps I'll come back at another time and do that, but for now I'm going to keep it short (I think lol).

    Susan Haskell is an amazing talent! She can say sooo much with her expressions, her movement, body language, her eyes, and her inflections. There is sooo much pain, soo much hurt, sooo much fear and uneasiness that I don't see how anyone could not feel very deeply for her as she breaksdown on the stand.

    at around the 8:20 mark after having been going through this for a while and after having already brokedown Hank asks "Miss Saybrooke, was he the only one?"...she turns around in her chair a can see he wants to run she wants to get up and run right out of there...this is so hard for her and inside the witness box she's beginning to feel a bit trapped which can't be an easy feeling for her given the situation but as hard as it is she forces herself to stay...she knows she has to, she has to Ms. Haskell is just amazing here.

    Todd is perfect with his looks he's holding back, forcing himself to stay calm but you can see the slightly evil looks, and just that way he has about him.

    You hit the nail on the head with your FAIL this time....the jury is the one sucky part of this...I mean I could imagine if maybe most of them remained stoic or something, but at least one of the female jury members should have showed some emotion after witnessing this testimony!

    QOTD Answer: I would probably sit down with him and have a long talk about that night. I would most likely believe Kevin when he said he was innocent, but I would also believe that the other 3 were guilty as sin. lol

    *SIDE NOTE* I wish TPTB would watch this and some of SH's other Marty performances from the aftermath and the ally (where Todd gets scarred), and pretty much any of her stuff up until she left with Patrick in '97...she is an amazing talent and Marty is a good character...she is so desperately underused and underappreciated!

  2. @Precious - left with Patrick in 1997? Patrick died in Todd's living room.....right?

  3. @Kim...No, he didn't. That's what everyone thought...including Marty, but as I remember she was riding in the back of the ambulance or whatever with him when she realized he wasn't dead. I can't remember exacyly how everything went down but she took care of him and they left to go back to Ireland. He was killed before Fake Marty came to like 2005 or something, but before then he was still alive.

  4. @Precious - OMG I totally missed that - hope we see that soon in Juju's edits.


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