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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Clip of the Day, October 10, 2010

Hi guys! We're almost to the testimony of TODD....where it starts to get really good as far as him revealing himself....Commentary follows!

You HAVE to love his entrance. Everything involved here starts to show him for what he is, or at least, what he appeared to be at this point in the story. This is harder for me to watch than some of his later scenes because he's so purely disgusting. I continue to despise Powell during this. If you're so sick over it, tell the truth. UGH.

PETER!!!! He's so ghastly. UGH. Rachel does not like her mom being involved with these guys and questions her mom's belief in their voracity. A phone call is more important than his son's testimony. The punch that says "remember you're a Manning." "Stand up to them..." UGH. I love this because I can at least PEEK a reason for Todd's nastiness.

Larry! HI! OMG! I used to love Larry as the doctor on this show. He seemed to be a doctor of everything...I always liked him. The the Geek, who I will call "Bittlecomb" today....he says a lot of things making Todd look bad, but Todd seems to not need much help in that department. Basically, Marty is getting dragged over the coals here throughout. It's not looking good for her. The next thing we'll see is Todd's testimony.

FAIL: For this episode, I can't really think of a fail, except for Powell again. He barely speaks in his scenes and looks like he is going to barf most of the time. Perhaps a little more time spent on him, with monologues or something, could have helped flesh his character out a bit. Right now, I hate him worse than Todd in this story - he could have spoken up and should have - he was the only one who KNEW what he was doing was wrong that night. I do have to give SM credit later, during other scenes of Powell's, but right now...pllllllth.

Sound off - maybe one of you will have deeper insights into this ep than I did.

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