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Monday, October 4, 2010

Clip of the Day, October 4, 2010

Enjoy another clip courtesy of Juju....we move forward in the trial. Commentary follows.

Marty gets the evil LOOK from Todd. Chilling. Roger is carrying off this part quite well already. I wonder exactly when they decided that Todd was for keeps?

The Kevin family scenes are fantastic. He comes face to face with Marty, and she apologizes right off. Kevin gets bumrushed by Todd, Zach and Powell, he can't even find words for them as they congratulate him. I never realized before how subtly this actor played this; he KNEW they were guilty and could not even find the words to respond to Todd's remarks. Again, attention to detail and character-driven work. Nora makes sure it's Marty who gets credit for Kevin's freedom. Another great detail. Powell's cryptic message, "you didn't deserve to be mixed up in this in the first place." Really? Then why not speak up? Powell knows DARN WELL that his cousin was not there or guilty. His FAMILY. Dead wrong.

Nora wants to meet with the boyz, and Todd gives her trouble. Calls Marty "the little engine that could" and continues to be cocky and overdone about the whole thing. Todd makes it seem like everyone else in the world is wrong. Could he have convinced himself? Nora is not amused. These are GREAT moments, with lots of little edges. Just Powell's LOOK, once again, no words, he appears to be sick over it and it's so obvious that he can't bear it. Todd and Zach are TOUCHING HANDS HERE. That is the strangest thing ever. I ran it back to be sure and at one point, they are clearly touching knuckles. Todd's congratulations of Powell are sickening too. He's convincing himself that he's innocent or does not really think what he did was wrong. Ok...I get pushed over the edge here when Todd KISSES Powell on the's nasty and vile, like Todd. He's so unlikeable here, but continues to become MORE LIKEABLE as time passes. Strange. Must be a gift that Roger has! *wink*

FAIL: Nora should have picked up on Powell's feelings a bit earlier and worked on it longer...she makes mentioned of the quiet, and his actions, but ignores it in a way. If I were here, I would have attacked right away to make sure that my clients were not lying. There are a lot of signs that they are. I don't know why she's not more suspicious right away.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you prefer character-driven stories or plot-driven stories and why?


  1. I would think by now they knew RH was a keeper. He commands the scenes he's in.
    Todd was in frat boy mode here, doesn't show too much of his tortured soul........yet.

    As for the QOTD--characters should always act in character unless there is some rare reason for them not to. Do characters act in character in plt-driven stories?

  2. @Rock, first, I know what you mean about RH....they probably already knew what he was capable of....

    Your second point, the QOTD, I prefer the character-driven stories. I can't stand when the plot is more important than history and continuity. Certain parts should never be recast just for this reason alone.

  3. well, I don't really have much to say about this one. It's a good vid just not my fav scene. lol I very much like the kind of slightly shyish appology from Marty to Kevin. She's still hurting and scared but she needed/wanted to appologize and it was done well.

    Todd is pretty bad in this whole vid...I mean RH is good at what he's doing (lol) but Todd is bad...I love when he puts his feet up on Nora's desk! lol It's so cocky and unrefined, and just soo Toddian. lol

    If the knuckly touching you're talking about is when they are sitting and zach is tapping his hand on the armrest of his does sort of look like they are touching but they can't be or Todd's hand would be jurking about like Zach's.

    I did like earlier in the vid when Powell told Kevin that he didn't deserve to be mixed up in I miss this kevin...he was my fav and he was really good here with subtlety.

    The kiss that Todd gave Powell was vile, but so in character at the moment that it was done perfectly.

    I like the little partial smile that Todd was hidding while Powell was lying to looks almost like the smile you might expect from a little boy who's watching a buddy lying to a teacher they can't stand...but it's also a bit of a relieved smile since we all know Powell's a lose cannon and so does Todd. lol

    As for the FAIL....yea I think Nora should have figured it out and pressed him long ago, but I guess I can also see why she didn't...I would imagine most lawyers would like to believe their clients are innocent...and certainly she believed (I'm guessing) that Kevin was innocent...maybe she didn't press because she didn't want to know, but the longer it went on and the more she heard and felt, the harder it was to handle. So, I guess I feel the same as you do, but at the same time I guess I don't really think it was a fail after we got some killer stuff when she finally unraveled and couldn't take it anymore...we likely wouldn't have gotten that if she'd pressed Powell and he'd blabbed.

    QOTD Answer: I am 100% a fan and believer in character driven writing. To me Plot driven falls short in many many ways...the worst of which is that characters end up getting bent and morhed into whatever is needed as the plot drags them through the storyline which leads to out of character emotions, actions, etc.


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