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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Clip of the Day, October 5, 2010

Oooh boy, love this "episode." Todd is so self-assured and cocky. I LOVE that Kevin is totally against them almost instantaneously.

Powell....if you're so upset, SAY SOMETHING. ARGH. I love Kevin's line, "See the real truth make an appearance after all." I enjoy this story, although it's not my number one fave, for moments like this. Kevin was GREAT. I still say OLTL should get this actor back. Todd: Always bullying Powell Lord the Turd. Oops, did I say that? Kevin is also starting to wonder what the deal is with Carol Swift. This is sort of the start of the amateur detective work that he does later in the story with Rachel, Jason, Suede and "Make him realize that we're just a bunch of choirboys." Only one problem, you're NOT. This is when Todd is getting really vile and nasty and I remember myself starting to hate him but sort of guilty that I loved him at the same time. Good work, Roger, that is what the show and you probably wanted and counted on. But did you count on the fact that 17 years later, we'd be still talking about this very scene?

Todd in his tennis garb...oooh my. Roger, you have AWESOME LEGS and always did. Ahem, let me get back to business. "A superior man." The way he presents that line! He's ALREADY setting up that long-time rivalry between himself and Powell. OOh gotta love how this story ends and progresses....but it's going to be a while before that happens. He's smug, he's dangerous, he's hot, I mean, what else is there? Powell looks like he ate something bad. He's SO unlikeable, something TPTB never counted on, I am sure.

FAIL: Powell, again. He's very annoying. If this whole thing is so terrible, stand up for yourself. I remember being extremely annoyed at him 17 years ago, and I am extremely annoyed at him today for that pink/salmon shirt.

Question of the Day: Would you like to see Kirk reprise the role of Kevin? Why or why not?

Sound off, Roger Revelers!


  1. Todd is so nasty in these clips but there is a really twisted part of me that just loves Todd like this.....all self assured, got the world by the balls and if you mess with me I will "end you" mentality!!!! I always did love the way he could TOTALLY mess with weak Powells was so entertaining to me......and it only gets better as time goes on. I just need to say, as nasty as Todd is, this is the part of Todd that I miss the most and is nonexistent with the imposter in the role. He's wrong, he's nasty but.......he's self assured, no one will really mess with him,no one thinks he's a joke or take him for granted, no one every beats his ass, and he never comes across as a wimp, no matter how wrong he is.......I love Todd's conviction.....right or wrong!!!!!! Again it's the alpha male that sucks me in and I know that no longer exist with the imposter. Anyway, back from my tangent........I love Kirk as Kevin.....the only Kevin for me.....loved him. He really stood up against Todd but wasn't an ass about it.....tried to use his brain against him which is fun. The other Kevins since than always come across as "blow hards" that had no chance against Todd.......this Kevin really could stand toe to toe with him, and that is what made that dynamic fun

  2. @juju - <>

    Hmmm...what imposter could you mean? I know EXACTLY what you are saying is so true...I think it every day.

    I also feel the same about Kirk. I really hate the Kevins after this, especially the one that sticks him with a pin during the DID story....OMG, I wanted to SLAP THAT GUY.


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